
Universal Python serializer

serialize, json, convert, dict
pip install d-serialize==1.0.4



Universal converter of all things Python to a dict. So it can be serialized to JSON.


pip install d-serialize


from d_serialize import d_serialize
from objects import SomeObject

some_object = SomeObject()
json_values = d_serialize(some_object)

Usage in Flask

from d_serialize import d_serialize
from flask import jsonify
from objects import SomeObject

def a_route():
    some_object = SomeObject()
    json_values = d_serialize(some_object)
    return jsonify(json_values)

d_serialize will enumerate all public properties of your object, set, list or dict and convert them to a JSON allowable type. IE:

list, dictionary, string, float, integer or boolean.

Any property that is not one of these types will be converted to a string. Enumerables: set and tuple will be converted to list.

Dictionary and list properties will be followed to ensure all child objects and values are also converted.

Methods and private properties (starting with _) are not enumerated.

Any property or attribute that raises an exception will be excluded or have a None value.


Converting a Class instance.

from d_serialize import d_serialize

class TestObject:
    number_value = 1
    float_value = 1.1

    def dont_call_me(self):
        """return self.number_value"""


# dict(number_value=1, float_value=1.1)

Release History

  • 1.0.0 First version of this wondrous package.
  • 1.0.1 Check for None when serializing and return None rather than 'None'. Exceptions on getattr return None for value.
  • 1.0.2 Crummy circular reference test. Convert top level list, set, tuple.
  • 1.0.3 Fix deploy workflow
  • 1.0.4 Allow for readonly objects