Lightweight DAG composition framework

dag, dask, orchestration, python, workflow
pip install daglib==0.2.0


⚗️ daglib - Lightweight DAG composition framework

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daglib is a lightweight alternative to Airflow and other orchestration engines. It is meant to run on a single machine and comes with many great features out of the box like task I/O, dynamic task generation, and simple testing and deployment.

It can run as a standalone application or be embedded in another application to enable more complex use cases like event-driven workflows, conditional workflows, and more.

See documentation at


pip install daglib

Create your first DAG

import daglib

dag = daglib.Dag()

def task_1a():
    return "Hello"

def task_1b():
    return "world!"

def tassk_2(task_1a, task_1b):
    print(f"{task_1a}, {task_1b}")
Hello, world!

Beyond the "Hello, world!" example

For a more involved example, we will create a small ETL pipeline that takes data from four source tables and creates a single reporting table. The data is driver-level information from the current 2022 Formula 1 season. The output will be a pivot table for team-level metrics.

Source Tables

  1. Team - Which team the driver belongs to for the season
  2. Points - Current total Driver's World Championship points for each driver for the season
  3. Wins - Current number of wins for each driver for the season
  4. Podiums - Current number of times the driver finished in the top 3 for the season
import pandas as pd
import daglib

# Ignore. Used to render the DataFrame correctly in the README
pd.set_option("display.notebook_repr_html", False)

dag = daglib.Dag()

def team():
    return pd.DataFrame(dict(
        driver=["Max", "Charles", "Lewis", "Sergio", "Carlos", "George"],
        team=["Red Bull", "Ferrari", "Mercedes", "Red Bull", "Ferrari", "Mercedes"],

def points():
    return pd.DataFrame(dict(
        driver=["Max", "Charles", "Lewis", "Sergio", "Carlos", "George"],
        points=[175, 126, 77, 129, 102, 111]

def wins():
    return pd.DataFrame(dict(
        driver=["Max", "Charles", "Lewis", "Sergio", "Carlos", "George"],
        wins=[6, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0]

def podiums():
    return pd.DataFrame(dict(
        driver=["Max", "Charles", "Lewis", "Sergio", "Carlos", "George"],
        podiums=[7, 4, 2, 5, 5, 3]

def driver_metrics(team, points, wins, podiums):
    return team.join(points).join(wins).join(podiums)

def team_metrics(driver_metrics):
    return driver_metrics.groupby("team").sum().sort_values("points", ascending=False)
          points  wins  podiums
Red Bull     304     7       12
Ferrari      228     2        9
Mercedes     188     0        5

Task Graph Visualization

The DAG we created above will create a task graph that looks like the following

task graph