Data Acquisition and Reason Toolkit (DART) command-line interface

pip install dart-cli==3.1.39


DART command-line interface

dart-cli provides a command-line interface for all of DART's REST services, as well as a host of other utilities related to deployment and debugging.


Requires python 3.8

In the project root, use the following command:

pip install .

Basic Usage

Like aws-cli, git, and docker, dart-cli is built around commands and subcommands. Its syntax should be familiar:

dart command [subcommand] [...options] [...arguments]
dart forklift --input-dir ./raw_docs --labels "test upload"  # Upload documents for ingestion
dart reprocess --input-dir ./cdrs # upload cdrs for reprocessing


All configuration can provided via command-line arguments. Some configuration options that are common between DART tools can be provided at any stage of the command. E.g.,

dart --env --ssh-key id_rsa pipeline provision ...


dart pipeline provision --env wm --ssh-key id_rsa ...

You can see all of these global configuration options by running dart --help.

Configuration Profiles

These global options can also be set in configuration files, each of which should have the form ~/.dart/[profile].conf, where [profile] can be used to with the global command-line option --profile [profile]. The --profile option is always consumed first, so any configuration parameters set on the command line will override the profile configuration regardless of the order.

Dart's configuration files should be in JSON format. The schema can be deduced from the DartContext class in src/ (see the methods from_profile() and from_dict()).

The profiles command group can be used to manage configuration profiles. Use dart profiles ls to see your profiles, and dart profiles view [profile] to show their contents. dart profiles add [profile] will create a new profile using whatever configuration has been set via the command line. So, e.g.,

$ dart --basic-login [basic-auth-un]:[basic-auth-pwd] \
       --dart-login [dart-un]:[dart-pwd] \
       --dart-secret [dart-cli-client-secret] \
       --docker-login [docker-un]:[docker-pwd] \
       --aws-profile [profilename] \
       --aws-environment dart \
       --ssh-key id_rsa \
       profiles add dart-profile

$ dart profiles view dart-profile
    "aws_profile": "[profilename]",
    "ssh_key": "id_rsa",
    "dart_env": {
        "tst_env": {
            "aws_environment": "dart"
        "default_env": {
            "dart_only": false
    "auth_config": {
        "dart_auth": {
            "username": "[dart-un]",
            "password": "[dart-pwd]",
            "client_secret": "[dart-cli-client-secret]"
        "basic_auth": {
            "username": "[basic-auth-un]",
            "password": "[basic-auth-pwd]"
    "docker_config": {
        "docker_username": "[docker-un]",
        "docker_password": "[docker-pwd]"

Since dart profiles add simply writes the current dart-cli configuration to a configuration profile, it is easy to copy or "extend" an existing profile by selecting this profile with -p and then adding desired options:

dart -p existing-profile [OPTIONS] profiles add new-profile

This will create a new profile based on existing-profile with parameters updated by whatever CONFIGURATION OPTIONS you include. You can also update an existing profile by writing back to the same profile, e.g.,

dart -p existing-profile [OPTIONS] profiles add existing-profile

To view an updated configuration without saving it to a new profile, you can use the command profiles view without specifying a profile:

dart -p dart-profile \
     --basic-login ex-username:ex-password \
     profiles view
    "aws_profile": "[profilename]",
    "ssh_key": "id_rsa",
    "dart_env": {
        "tst_env": {
            "aws_environment": "dart"
        "default_env": {
            "dart_only": false
    "auth_config": {
        "dart_auth": {
            "username": "[dart-un]",
            "password": "[dart-pwd]",
            "client_secret": "[dart-cli-client-secret]"
        "basic_auth": {
            "username": "ex-username",
            "password": "ex-password"
    "docker_config": {
        "docker_username": "[docker-un]",
        "docker_password": "[docker-pwd]"

Configuration workflow

By building on existing profiles in this way, you can easily generate new profiles for any dart environment. The following is the recommended workflow for doing this.

1. Global credentials

If you use any TST deployment configurations or custom deployment configurations that include authentication and authorization, you will probably want a separate profile to keep your credentials:

dart --dart-login [username]:[password] \  # credentials for dart auth using public login flow
     --dart-secret [secret] \              # credentials for dart auth using dart-cli client secret
     --basic-login [username]:[password] \ # credentials for basic auth access when dart-auth is disabled
     --docker-login [username]:[password] \ # for running docker containers for provision/deploy
     --ssh-key id_rsa \                    # for running ansible and the ssh command necessary for TST-environment deployments
     profiles add credentials

2. Env-specific profiles

Next, you will want to generate profiles for each DART environment you want to interact with, so that you do not have to continually use cli options to use its services. To do this, simply combine the env-specific configuration properties with the appropriate credentials profile (see 1 above), depending on which account you intend to deploy this DART environment in:

dart -p dart \                           # Inherit configuration for dart AWS account and deployment environment
     --env dartenv \                     # Set environment name (i.e,
     --deploy-profile dart-distributed \ # Set deployment profile, used by AWS cdk to determine services configuration
     --dart-version wm:2.0.64 \          # Set project id (e.g., wm-dart-pipeline or dev-dart-pipeline) and version (tag of docker image used for deployment)
     profiles add dartenv                # Create a new configuration profile with above configuration 

Note that we've named the profile after the DART environment (dartenv). This profile can now be used to provision and deploy the pipeline:

dart -p dartenv pipeline provision-deploy all 

To create a profile for an environment that has already been deployed, you can use the --query-metadata option to pull the env-specific configuration from metadata stored in aws:

dart -p credentials \            # Inherit configuration
     --remote [ip-address] \     # Provide hostname or IP for a remote deployment
     --create                    # Use full CREATE deployment (see above)
     --default-env-dir /opt/app  # Set working directory for remote deployment
     profiles add create-env     # Create a new profile with above configuration