
Decorator for writing and reading the dataclass as binary buffer using struct.

dataclass, struct
pip install dataclass-struct==0.9.3


dataclass_struct 0.9.3

Decorator providing capability to emit and read the decorated dataclass as a binary buffer. A special new metadata field STRUCT_TYPE contains the struct format for the dataclass field.

See struct documentation for the formatting options.


The decorator @dataclass_struct adds following methods to the decorated dataclass.

from_buffer(self, buffer: bytes, offset=0)

 Read the wrapped dataclass from a binary buffer.
 :param self: wrapped instance
 :param buffer: buffer tp read
 :param offset: (optional) offset o start reading
 :return: offset after last consumed byte

instance_from_buffer(buffer: bytes, offset=0)

 Construct a wrapped class instance from a buffer.
 :param buffer: buffer with source binary data
 :return: class instance

to_buffer(self, buffer=b'')

 Store the wrapped dataclass to a binary buffer.
 :param self: wrapped instance
 :return: resulting buffer


Currently, some features are not supported:

  • no inheritance hierarchy
  • no tuples

If a dataclass member provides methods from_buffer and to_buffer, it will be included into the resulting buffer and loaded from it without having STRUCT_TYPE metadata on its own.

Lists of primitive types can be used, if the number of list members matches the number of format elements. If not, the error message from underlying struct call will be emitted.

Lists of user defined objects will be written/loaded when the object class provides corresponding methods. These also don't need STRUCT_TYPE metadata.


Simple buffer for a float and an integer

Fields having metadata field STRUCT_TYPE will be written/read out from the buffer.

from dataclass_struct import STRUCT_TYPE, dataclass_struct

class MyDataClass:
    my_flt: float = field(default=0, metadata={STRUCT_TYPE: '<f'})
    my_num: int = field(default=0, metadata={STRUCT_TYPE: '<i'})
    my_name: str = ''

test_obj = TestModel(3.14, 42)
buff = test_obj.to_buffer()

# buff equals to b'\xc3\xf5H@*\x00\x00\x00'

Class containing another instance of dataclass_struct

Fields providing methods from_buffer and to_buffer

from dataclasses import field
from dataclass_struct import STRUCT_TYPE, dataclass_struct

class DataClassA:
    my_flt: float = field(default=0, metadata={STRUCT_TYPE: '<f'})
    my_num: int = field(default=0, metadata={STRUCT_TYPE: '<i'})

class DataClassB:
    data_part_a: DataClassA = field(default=DataClassA())
    just_a_num: int = field(default=0, metadata={STRUCT_TYPE: '<i'})

test_obj = DataClassB(DataClassA(3.14, 42),  42)
buff = test_obj.to_buffer()

# buff equals to b'\xc3\xf5H@*\x00\x00\x00*\x00\x00\x00'

String with custom encoding

Default encoding for strings is 'utf-8'. This can be changed for the whole dataclass by the decorator parameter use_encoding, or for the particular field using metadata ENCODING.

class DefaultEncodingTest:
    byte_name: bytes = field(default=b'', metadata={STRUCT_TYPE: '16s'})
    str_name: str = field(default='', metadata={STRUCT_TYPE: '16s'})
    str_with_enc: str = field(default='', metadata={STRUCT_TYPE: '32s', ENCODING: 'utf-16'})

test_obj = StringTest(b'Hello World', 'Bye bye', 'another one')
buff = test_obj.to_buffer())

# buff equals to b'Hello World\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00Bye bye\x00\x00\x00'\
#            b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xfea\x00n\x00o\x00t\x00h'\
#            b'\x00e\x00r\x00 \x00o\x00n\x00e\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'\
#            b'\x00\x00\x00'

Use custom parameters for the underlying dataclass

class ExplicitDataclass:
    my_flt: float = field(default=0, metadata={STRUCT_TYPE: '<f'})
    my_num: int = field(default=0, metadata={STRUCT_TYPE: '<i'})