
Queues and trees.

pip install datastructs-sparkles58==0.0.2



Datastructs is a small module containing trees and queues.

NOTE: all objects are under datastructs.datastructs


Queues are very simple. To create one, you can just use queue() with an iterable inside, or nothing to create an empty queue. They have two functions: enqueue(value), which inserts a given value to the beginning of the queue, and dequeue(), which removes the last element and returns it.

Trees and nodes

Trees and nodes are a bit more complicated. To create a tree, you can use tree(), with a value for the base node, or nothing to have the value be None. Nodes have a few functions. First there is set(value) which sets the value of the node, set_parent(node) which changes its parent node, add_child(value) which adds a child with that values to that nodes "children" list, and remove_child(node), which removes a child. The tree has an update() function, where you can optionally give it a new base node, and you never truly need to call it, as all of the node functions call it themselves. Nodes are indexed in a specific way in a tree's "nodes" list. It is a nested list, where each index of the list contains the nodes in that layer. Layer 0 is the base node, layer 1 is its children, and so on.