
Helper functions for managing database connections

db2, ibm_db
pip install db2-helpers==0.1.2



Python helper functions to simplify management of Db2 database connections.

This package contains commands and helper functions for managing settings for Db2 databases. Settings are saved in local files with encrypted password storage. More than one concurrent database connections is not supported at this time.


Install using pip or clone the repository and modify to your heart's content.

    pip install db2_helpers

PyPI page is here and original source repository is here

Commands Included:


Used to set Db2 database connection attributes and save them for later use in programs that need to connect to Db2. Connection settings are saved in local files with the connection password encrypted. The encryption key is stored in a hidden file in the user's home directory (default).

Connection to Db2 is verified from prompted settings and saved.

To protect passwords, a secret key is generated and stored in a file in the user's home directory. The secret key in this file can itself be encrypted/decrypted using the lock/unlock actions with a password.

  verify   - verify connection and save
  lock     - lock secret key using password
  unlock   - unlock secret key using password
  reset    - reset credentials

Settings are stored per hostname/database in pickle files. The password used in the connection is stored in an encrypted format using the generated secret key.

The majority of the work is done in the db2_helper.py functions.


Exports data from Db2 table into CSV files. Does not support large objects, JSON, or XML.


Import data from CSV files into Db2 tables. Does not support large objects, JSON, or XML.

Functions Included:

Functions manage saved settings for Db2 connections.

 db_connect()        - Connect using loaded/prompted credentials
 db_connect_prompt() - Prompts for connection settings
 db_connected()      - Return connection status
 db_connection()     - Return handle for current connection
 db_disconnect()     - Disconnect
 db_error()          - Handle Db2 Errors
 db_keys_get()       - Load secret key
 db_keys_lock()      - Lock secret key using password
 db_keys_set()       - Set/save secret key
 db_keys_unlock()    - Unlock secret key using password
 db_load_settings()  - Load saved settings
 db_save_settings()  - Save current settings
 db_show_settings()  - Display loaded settings
 password_to_key()   - Convert text pass-phrase to usable key for lock/unlock
 table_list()        - Get list of Db2 tables

For security, a secret key is generated and stored in a file in the user's home directory. The secret key itself is not encrypted until the db_keys_lock() function is called. Once encrypted, the secret key can be decrypted temporarily by supplying the password either via the --password option (where applicable) or when prompted. The secret key can be unlocked (and saved in that state) using the db_keys_unlock() function.


The functions and commands support the specification of an Environment allowing flexible use of development, test, production settings. These can be specified as command line options or environment variables (for the commands). Connection settings are unique for the combination of Environment, Hostname, Database.

Environment Variables


Environment name do use in naming connection settings files (default is dev).


Host name for database connection (default is localhost).


Database name for connection (default is sample).

Command Options

--environment, --hostname, --database

The --environment, --hostname, --database command options correspond to the environment, hostname, and database environment needed to specify a unique connection.


Supply a password for locking/unlocking your secret key. If not supplied, you will be prompted where necessary.


Controls the action that will be performed by the db_credentials command.

| Action | Description | | verify | Verify connection and prompt for new connection settings if needed (default) | | reset | Ignore saved settings and prompt for new ones | | lock | Lock the secret encryption key using password | | unlock | Unlock the secret encryption key using password |


Display credentials after verification.


Display help information for the command.


Use Python virtual environments when installing.

Install ibm_db in the virtual environment. If you are using macOS then this may be the only way to get ibm_db to work as there are issues when using the IBM Db2 Data Server Driver (DSDriver) client on macOS.