
A database object creator

Database, MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, Packaging
pip install dbobjectcreator==1.0.14


Database Object Creator (D.O.C.)

This library provides a method of creating database connector objects for quick and easy access to multiple databases (both types and servers).

DOC Setup

This library can be installed via Pypi.org[https://pypi.org/project/DbObjectCreator/] or locally:

Run pip install Cython before proceeding with either install. This package is required prior to installing this library. This library can now be installed by running pip install DbObjectCreator

To install locally

  1. Clone the repo to your local machine using the Clone or Download button in the upper left or click this download link. https://github.com/BridgeCr/DOC/archive/master.zip
  2. In a terminal window navigate to the location the file was downloaded
  3. Execute the following command pip install DOC-master.zip (change DOC-master.zip if you named it something else.)

DOC Usage

  1. Import the library into your project using from DbObjectCreator import DbObjectCreator
  2. Create a new DbObject using new_db = DbObjectCreator.DbObject()
  3. new_db can now be used to call multiple methods against the database.

This library supports both Windows and OSX architecture. If installing on OSX you will need FreeTDS installed.