
Python API for D-Bug12 compatible boards

D-Bug12, HCS12, Dragon12, cli, api
pip install dbug12==0.1


PyPI PyPI - Python Version

d-bug12 is both a Python api, and a command line interface for the Dbug-12 program flashed in Motorola's HC12 chips



pip install dbug12

You should have Python's user base directory in your path for the CLI to work properly. In case it's not, use python -m site --user-base to get it and add it to your system path.


Although the recommended way to install is using Python's package installer, there is an installation script (Linux only) in case you don't have pip set up.

sudo ./install

CLI usage

dbug12 [flags] <command>
usage: dbug12 [-h] [-p PORT] <command> ...

positional arguments:
  <command>             dbug12 <command> -h will show further usage and
                        arguments, if any. Available commands are:

    load                Load a compiled program into memory
    next-instruction    Run a single instruction (from current PC)
    run                 Start execution from a specific point of memory
    monitor             Spawns a terminal that directly communicates with the board
    get-registers       Display CPU registers
    erase-memory        Erase a section of memory
    get-memory          Display a section of memory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PORT, --port PORT  serial communication port accessed by the board.
                        Default: "/dev/ttyUSB0"


Examples for the Python api can be found in examples.


A command line implementation of the HC12 assembler for Linux can be found at 68hc12-linux.