
Selenium tasks and page objects for DCE Matterhorn

pip install dce-mh-selenium==0.2.1



Automated admin tasks and tests for DCE Matterhorn.

Getting started

  1. Create & activate a virtualenv. This is optional but recommended.

    virtualenv venv && source venv/bin/activate

  2. Install the python package. If you skipped the virtualenv step you'll need to use sudo here.

    pip install mh-ui-testing

  3. Sanity check the installation by looking at the usage output.

    • mh --help


The mh interface is organized into groups of sub-commands. For instance, the mh rec group contains upload and trim. Commands related to manipulating the MH recording inbox are grouped into an inbox group, for example, mh inbox list and mh inbox put. Each command accepts one or more options and arguments. mh [cmd] --help to display usage info.

Current command tree:

* `mh inbox list`
* `mh inbox put`
* `mh inbox symlink`
* `mh series create`
* `mh rec upload`
* `mh rec trim`
* `mh gi list`
* `mh gi exec`

inbox commands

These tasks make use of the python fabric library to execute commands via ssh on the remote system. When running against an Opsworks cluster, it is expected that your local user corresponds to a remote user so that ssh key auth can be utilized. In the case of the ansible-provisioned ec2 clusters you will need to include the option --user=ansible and provide the ansbile user password when prompted.

inbox list

Usage: mh inbox list [OPTIONS] [MATCH]

  List the current contents of the inbox

  -I, --inbox_path TEXT  alternate path to recording inbox
  --ssh_user TEXT        The user to execute remote tasks as
  -H, --host TEXT        host/ip of remote admin node
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

inbox put

Usage: mh inbox put [OPTIONS]

  Upload a recording file to the MH inbox

  -f, --file TEXT
  -I, --inbox_path TEXT  alternate path to recording inbox
  --ssh_user TEXT        The user to execute remote tasks as
  -H, --host TEXT        host/ip of remote admin node
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

Note that -f/--file allows the use of a s3:// uri and disallows local uploads for files > 1G. This is because the upload process must create a temp file in the user's space-limited home dir prior to copying to the inbox.

inbox symlink

Usage: mh inbox symlink [OPTIONS]

  Create copies of an existing inbox file via symlinks

  -f, --file TEXT
  -c, --count INTEGER
  -I, --inbox_path TEXT  alternate path to recording inbox
  --ssh_user TEXT        The user to execute remote tasks as
  -H, --host TEXT        host/ip of remote admin node
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

series commands

series create

Usage: mh series create [OPTIONS]

  -D, --driver TEXT    Selenium driver to use: firefox|chrome
  -H, --host TEXT      host/ip of remote admin node
  -u, --username TEXT  MH admin login username
  -p, --password TEXT  MH admin login password
  --title TEXT         Title of the series
  --subject TEXT       Subject of the series. If not specified this will take
                       the form 'TEST S-xxxxx', where 'xxxxx' is the last 5
                       digits of the identifier.
  --id TEXT            Series identifier. If not specified this will be
                       generated for you in the format '203501xxxxx' where
                       'xxxxx' is a random number sequence
  --help               Show this message and exit.

rec commands

rec upload

Usage: mh rec upload [OPTIONS]

  Upload a recording from a local path or the inbox

  --presenter TEXT     Presenter video
  --presentation TEXT  Presentation video
  --combined TEXT      Combined presenter/presentation video
  --series TEXT        Series title. Should match an existing series.
  --title TEXT         Recording title
  -i, --inbox          Use a MH inbox media file
  -D, --driver TEXT    Selenium driver to use: firefox|chrome
  -H, --host TEXT      host/ip of remote admin node
  -u, --username TEXT  MH admin login username
  -p, --password TEXT  MH admin login password
  --help               Show this message and exit.

rec trim

Usage: mh rec trim [OPTIONS]

  Execute trims on existing recording(s)

  -f, --filter TEXT
  -c, --count INTEGER
  -D, --driver TEXT    Selenium driver to use: firefox|chrome
  -H, --host TEXT      host/ip of remote admin node
  -u, --username TEXT  MH admin login username
  -p, --password TEXT  MH admin login password
  --help               Show this message and exit.

Ghost Inspector test commands

Support for executing Ghost Inspector tests is provided via the mh gi command group. Options for these commands are translated and passed along to py.test which uses the pytest-ghostinspector plugin to execute or list the available tests.

gi list

Usage: mh gi list [OPTIONS]

  Collect and list available tests

  --key TEXT    ghost inspector API key
  --suite TEXT  ID of a ghost inspector suite
  --test TEXT   ID of a ghost inspector test
  --help        Show this message and exit.

gi exec

Usage: mh gi exec [OPTIONS]

  Execute tests

  --runners INTEGER  num tests to run concurrently [default: 4]
  --var TEXT         extra test variable(s); repeatable
  --key TEXT         ghost inspector API key
  --suite TEXT       ID of a ghost inspector suite
  --test TEXT        ID of a ghost inspector test
  --help             Show this message and exit.

Integration with mh-opsworks

Ghost Inspector tests can be executed in the context of your mh-opsworks. See the README.ui-testing.md doc in that repo for details.

Specifying an alternate driver: -D, --driver option

The default browser driver, and the one used 98% during development of these tasks, is firefox. Hopefully not necessary to change this, but if you find a task executing unreliably it might be worth trying, --driver=chrome. You'll need to have chromedriver installed.


The following sequence of commands provides an example of how to upload a set of video files to the Matterhorn inbox, create symlinks to populate the inbox selection menu in the Upload Recording UI, and then execute a number of uploads

Note: This example uses separate presenter/presentation files. For a combined multitrack video file, you would execute the put and symlink commands per usual but use the --combined option for the upload task instead of --presenter/--presentation.

1. Upload the initial media to the inbox

Local files:

mh inbox put -H [admin ip] -f path/to/presenter.mp4

mh inbox put -H [admin ip] -f path/to/presentation.mp4

Or use an url for files > 1g:

mh inbox put -H [admin ip] -f https://s3.amazonaws.com/my-bucket/presenter.mp4

mh inbox put -H [admin ip] -f https://s3.amazonaws.com/my-bucket/presentation.mp4

2. Create symlinks

This will create 10 inbox symlinks to each of the previously uploaded files, i.e., 10 identical presenter/presentation copies. Each copy will be named using the sequence integer: presenter_1.mp4, presenter_2.mp4, etc.

mh inbox symlink -H [admin ip] -f presenter.mp4 -c 10

mh inbox symlink -H [admin ip] -f presentation.mp4 -c 10

3. Check inbox contents (optional)

mh inbox list -H [admin ip]

4. Run the upload tasks

The uname and passwd values here correspond to the Matterhorn admin interface login.

    for i in `seq 1 10`; do mh rec upload -u [uname] -p [passwd] --inbox --presenter presenter_${i}.mp4 --presentation presentation_${i}.mp4 [admin base_url] ; done

This should result in 10 processing workflows. The flakiness of Selenium + MH makes this not guaranteed.

5. (later) execute the trim tasks

In a happy world you'll have a set of 10 of workflows that process their respective copies of the uploaded media and then pause/hold at the editor operation waiting for a human to intervene. We don't need stinking humans; we have Selenium!

mh rec trim -u [uname] -p [passwd] [admin base_url]


Known issues

UnexpectedAlertPresentException: Alert Text: Could not resume Workflow: error

Check that Matterhorn nodes, particularly admin, are not in maintenance state.
