
Data Collection and Wrangling

data, pipeline, engineering, science, management, quality
pip install dcw==0.0.7


Data Collection and Wrangling

The dcw module provides a framework for collecting and wrangling data.

!!! warning This is v0.x.x work-in-progress. There are large, often backwards incompatible, changes between releases.


$ pip install dcw

Running Data Pipelines

Pipelines can be run in one of two ways:

  1. The dcw-pipeline CLI tool can be used to run data pipelines expressed using the dcw framework.
  2. The dcw.etl.pipeline.run_pipeline function may be used from your own application.

!!! note When running these commands while developing, prefix the commands with poetry run.

E.g. `poetry run dcw-pipeline -h`
$ dcw-pipeline -h
usage: dcw-pipeline [-h] [--verbose] {list,run,help} ...

DCW Pipelines.

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --verbose, -v    Enable verbose logging

    list           List available pipeline factories
    run            Run a pipeline
    help           Show help for a pipeline

A demo pipeline may be found at dcw.etl.demo_pipeline:

List the pipelines in a module:

$ dcw-pipeline list dcw.etl.demo_pipeline
Available pipelines:
| Path                             | Description                                                                |
| dcw.etl.demo_pipeline.MyPipeline | Extract sequential numbers, square them, and load the result to a mock db. |

Show the help message and parameters for a pipeline:

$ dcw-pipeline help dcw.etl.demo_pipeline.MyPipeline
Extract sequential numbers, square them, and load the result to a mock db.

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --limit LIMIT

Run a pipeline from the command line and provide arguments:

$ dcw-pipeline run dcw.etl.demo_pipeline.MyPipeline -- --limit 10
2024-01-19T09:49:36-0500 dcw.cli.pipeline INFO: Running MyPipeline with options limit=10 (pipeline.py:67)
Loaded 0
Loaded 1
Loaded 4
Loaded 9
Loaded 16
Loaded 25
Loaded 36
Loaded 49
Loaded 64
Loaded 81
Flushed the loader


This Python project is managed using poetry, tested using pytest, and documented using mkdocs.

Create Virtual Environment and Run Tests

Create a virtual environment and install all dependencies into it:

$ poetry install

Run tests inside the virtual environment:

$ poetry run pytest


Poetry can be used to build a wheel and source distribution:

$ poetry build

Serve Documentation

$ poetry run mkdocs serve

Documentation files can be built using poetry run mkdocs build.