
Decoripy helps you making better decorators.

pip install decoripy==0.0.2



decoripy provides a well-structured template class for creating Python decorators. It uses inheritance to be efficient and simple.

Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 PyPI version Build Status codecov

Table of contents

  1. Motivation
  2. Usage

1. Motivation

With decoripy, writing a decorator becomes very easy. It aims to improve the Python language expressiveness by enhancing a very powerful Python mechanism.

Decoripy provides a template built upon the basic wrapping of a function, hiding the implementation details, and providing some useful advantages:

  • no distinction between decorator with or without arguments has to be done;
  • a temporal based execution is provided.

Decorator arguments

With decoripy you could create decorator with or without arguments with no pain. In standard Python you should handle the arguments passed to the decorator, because, in this case, the wrapper function does not take the function as a the first argument. So you could do something like this:

def function_to_decorate(var):


def function_to_decorate(var):


@MyDecorator(timeout=3000, num_retries=3)
def function_to_decorate(var):


@MyDecorator(True, timeout=3000, num_retries=3)
def function_to_decorate(var):

and you have not to change your code. The unnamed arguments (*args) passed to the decorator can be accessed by using the positional order (For example, the first parameters could be taken in this way: first_arg = args[0], see Usage). The named arguments (**kwargs) passed to the decorator are parsed and can be accessed by their name (For example, timeout could be used in the implementation code in this way: self.timeout, see Usage).

Temporal based execution

The decoripy template is built to provide temporal based execution:

  • you could execute a pre-operation before the decorated function is executed;
  • you could do some operation while the decorated function is executed;
  • you could execute a post-operation after the decorated function is executed.

In this way you can control the execution flow of the decorated function.

Nested decorator

You could nest more decorator. The order respects the writing order, so:

def function_to_decorate(var):

@First is executed before;

2. Usage

In order to create a new decorator, you have only to write a new class inheriting from the abstract class AbstractDecorator, and overriding the following (optional) methods:

  • __do_before__:
  • __do__: it is mandatory doing the self.function(*args, **kwargs) call here to trigger the decorated function execution.
  • __do_after__:

The overriding of the three functions is optional. Clearly, no overriding means no operations done upon the decorated function. Summarizing, you have only to handle the temporal phases you are interested on.

Example 1 - No decorator arguments:

from decoripy import AbstractDecorator

class DecoratorWithoutArguments(AbstractDecorator):
    def __do_before__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print("Executing: __do_before__")
        return "Executed: __do_before__"

    def __do__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print(self.before_result, ", Executing: __do__")
        function_result = self.function(*args, **kwargs)
        return function_result + ", Executed: __do__"

    def __do_after__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print(self.execution_result, ", Executing: __do_after__")
        return "Executed: __do_after__"

def function_to_decorate(var1, var2, dict_var1, dict_var2):
    print("Executing: function: ", var1, var2, dict_var1, dict_var2)
    return "Executed: function"

function_to_decorate(1, "var2", dict_var1=[1, 2, 3], dict_var2={"key": "value"})