log analysis tool

pip install deep-log==0.0.7



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DeepLog is lightweight standalone but powerful log analysis command line tool.


install deep-log using pip:

$ pip install deep-log

Main Features

  • search from target logs by keyword or filter condition which is written in python
  • subscribe target log changes which match user-defined condition
  • integrate with pandas,which can used to do data analysis based on the log content.
  • customized ETL processing
  • support multiple data type in filters and data analysis

Basic Usage

  • search keyword
$ dl hello --target /tmp/ # search all lines in the files under folder /tmp which contain the word hello
  • search with filters
$dl  --target /tmp --filter="'hello' not in _record " #search all lines in the files under folder /tmp which not contain the word hello
  • subscribe log change with keyword
$dl hello -- target /tmp --subscribe #subscribe incoming change which contain keyword hello under /tmp folder
  • data analysis
$dl hello --target /tmp/ --analyze="df.groupby(['_record']).size()" # find all lines which contain hello then groupby by line content

hello Jack\n     2
hello James\n    2
hello Jim\n      2
hello Joe\n      4
hello Rain\n     4
hello World\n    2


the official documentation is hosted in https://deep-log.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Further Steps

  • add index engine to accelerate query efficiency
  • integrate plot functionalities
  • enhance analysis engine by introducing decision engine
  • rule-based analysis template engine
  • package management to deliver bundled ETL && Analysis
  • machine learning integration
  • support more data sources
  • distributed log collections