
Example of PyPI-submittable project that properly reads packaged static text files

pip install demo-package-sample-data-with-code==1.0.0



Goals of this project

This package doesn’t do anything useful. It exists only as a vehicle to demonstrate:

  • how to prepare a Python project that can be uploaded to the Python Package Index (PyPI) as a release, from which it can then be installed on user systems using the pip package installer—using static metadata (setup.cfg) rather than dynamic metadata (
  • how static text files (for example, templates, sample data, etc.) can be packaged and then—using importlib.resources—referenced and read from their host package or any other package, even if these files don’t actually reside on the file system (e.g., if they reside in a .zip archive). This is relevant because:
  • use of a src/ directory intermediate between the project directory and the outermost package directory—with multiple benefits
  • how to provide a single source for the version number, in this case by supplying a file in the import module that is (a) imported by and (b) referenced by setup.cfg
  • how to install the project in “editable”/“development” mode during development so that you can test the functionalities that access resources in packages—without having to rebuild and reinstall the package after every change
  • how to tell the build mechanism to identify a specific version of Python, e.g., py39, in the “Python Tag” in the file name of the resulting “wheel” (.whl) distribution file, so that users will be better informed of the Python-version requirement before attempting to install the package
  • how to use a file as an entry point to the package, which will execute when the package is invoked on the command line with the -m flag (e.g., python -m my_package)
  • how to define a console-script entry point, e.g., my-command, so that the user can simply and directly invoke my-command on the command line, rather than python -m my_package
  • how to provide for, and process, an optional argument on the command line.

Python requirement; timeliness

NOTE: This package requires Python 3.9+. This package has been tested only on Python 3.9.12, with pip 22.1.1, on a Mac (macOS 12.3.1). All citations/quotations to documentation and other sources were valid as of May 1, 2022.


For my use of “project” and “package” (including “import package” and “distribution package”) see Jim Ratliff, “Unpacking ‘package’ terminology in Python,” GitHub Gist.

In particular, I very deliberately choose:

  • to use hyphens to separate the words in the project name: demo-package-sample-data-with-code
    • I also use hyphens in the console-scripts entry-point command: my-command that the user can type on the command line in lieu of the runpy syntax: python -m demo_package_sample_data_with_code
  • to use underscores to separate the words in the import package name: demo_package_sample_data_with_code as well as every other directory below that level.

This isn’t a gratuitous attempt to confuse the reader but rather in the spirit of “Explicit is better than implicit.” In practice, the project name and import package name are often chosen to be the same. It then is ambiguous in many discussion whether that common name is invoked in any particular case (a) because it is the project name or (b) because it is the import package name. My distinguishing the two is meant to help clarify what drives various behaviors. (See also § Considerations regarding the inter-word delimiter character in a multiword project name.)

Resources for topics not well covered here

I will not go into a detailed explanation of many aspects of packaging more generally that are well covered elsewhere, e.g., the LICENSE, README, pyproject.toml, and setup.cfg files (or why I’m using setup.cfg rather than For these and other such topics, see for example:

I’m also not going to address here any issues about testing, as important as they are.

Problem considered: Reliably accessing resources included in the package

Instead, I focus here on the particular problem, as explained by Barry Warsaw at PyCon US 2018:

Resources are files that live within Python packages. Think test data files, certificates, templates, translation catalogs, and other static files you want to access from Python code. Sometimes you put these static files in a package directory within your source tree, and then locate them by importing the package and using its __file__ attribute. But this doesn’t work for zip files!

The previous standard method, pkg_resources, is not a great solution:

You could use pkg_resources, an API that comes with setuptools and hides the differences between files on the file system and files in a zip file. This is great because you don't have to use __file__, but it’s not so great because pkg_resources is a big library and can have potentially severe performance problems, even at import time. …

The biggest problem with pkg_resources is that it has import-time side effects. Even if you’re never going to access your sample data, you’re paying the cost of it because as soon as you import pkg_resources you pay this penalty. … pkg_resources crawls over every entry in your sys.path and it builds up these working sets and does all this runtime work. … If you have a lot of things on your sys.path, this can be very, very slow. …

The better solution is:

Welcome to importlib.resources, a new module and API in Python 3.7 that is also available as a standalone library for older versions of Python. importlib.resources is built on top of Python’s existing import system, so it is very efficient.

See also §§ Accessing Data Files at Runtime of § Data Files Support of Building and Distributing Packages with Setuptools by PyPA:

Typically, existing programs manipulate a package’s __file__ attribute in order to find the location of data files. However, this manipulation isn’t compatible with PEP 302-based import hooks, including importing from zip files and Python Eggs. It is strongly recommended that, if you are using data files, you should use importlib.resources to access them.

The following sources explicitly discuss using importlib.resources to access resources integrated within a package:

If the advent of importlib.resources in Python 3.7 weren’t enough, an additional function, viz., files(), was added in Python 3.9. I rely upon the files() function in this package, and for that reason this package requires Python 3.9.

Road map for the remainder of this README document

importlib.resources: Selected basics


importlib, a Python built-in library, appeared in Python 3.1 and provides the Python 3 implementation of the import statement.

Within importlib, the module importlib.resources was added in Python 3.7:

This module leverages Python’s import system to provide access to resources within packages. If you can import a package, you can access resources within that package. Resources can be opened or read, in either binary or text mode.

Resources are roughly akin to files inside directories, though it’s important to keep in mind that this is just a metaphor. Resources and packages do not have to exist as physical files and directories on the file system.

(Note that the documentation for importlib.resources actually refers readers to the documentation for importlib_resources, which is the standalone backport of importlib.resources for earlier versions of Python, for more information on using importlib.resources.)

The files() function

This demo package calls the function importlib.resources.files(package), where package can be either a name or a module object that conforms to the Package requirements. The function returns an instance of abstract base class This object has available a subset of pathlib.Path methods suitable for traversing directories and opening files:

  • joinpath(child)
  • __truediv__(child)
  • name()
  • is_dir()
  • is_file()
  • iterdir()
  • open(mode='r',*args,**kwargs)
  • read_bytes()
  • read_text(encoding=None)

You can specify the location of a resource from (a) the name of the package immediately enclosing the resource and (b) the name of the resource by either:

my_resource_location_as_string = importlib.resources.files('mypackage').joinpath('resource_name')


my_resource_location_as_string = importlib.resources.files('mypackage') / 'resource_name'

where the latter corresponds to __truediv__(child) method.

To read the text into a variable:

text_in_file = my_resource_location_as_string.read_text()

This project

File and directory structure; rationale for src/ directory

This project has the following initial directory/file structure:

├── pyproject.toml
├── setup.cfg
├── docs
├── src
│   ├── demo_package_and_read_data_files
│   │   ├── sample_data
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   └── sample_data_e.txt
│   │   └── sample_data_pi.txt
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
└── tests

By “initial directory/file structure,” I acknowledge that additional directories will be generated as a result of (a) creating a virtual environment, which adds a venv/ directory, (b) installing the project in an “editable”/“development” mode, which adds a src/demo_package_sample_data_with_code.egg-info directory, and (c) the build process, which adds a dist/ directory.

Note the presence of the src/ directory at the root level of the project directory and which contains the import package demo_package_and_read_data_files. This structure—the presence of this src/ directory—is certainly not yet a standard but is gaining mindshare. I won’t attempt to justify it myself here, but instead I’ll point you to the following resources:

This layout is very handy when you wish to use automatic discovery, since you don’t have to worry about other Python files or folders in your project root being distributed by mistake. In some circumstances it can be also less error-prone for testing or when using PEP 420-style packages. On the other hand you cannot rely on the implicit PYTHONPATH=. to fire up the Python REPL and play with your package (you will need an editable install to be able to do that).

* E.g., the `src/` structure (a) ensures that you test your code from the same working directory that your users
will see when they install your package, (b) allows simpler packaging code and a simpler ``, and
(c) results in a much cleaner editable install.
  • Mark Smith’s presentation at EuroPython 2019: “Publishing (Perfect) Python Packages on PyPi” (YouTube at 26:00, GitHub):
    • “Here’s why we use the src/ directory. Our root directory is the directory we’ve been working in. If our code was inthis directory—if we import helloworld while running the tests—it would run the code in our current directory. But we don’t want it to do that. We want it to test installing the package and using the code from there. By having the src/ directory, you’re forcing it to use the version you’ve just installed into the versioned environment.”

Noncomprehensive comments on selected elements of the project metadata and structure

Establishing a single source for the version number

This project defines its version number consistent with a frequently expressed desideratum referred to as “single-sourcing the package version”.

This requires coordination between three files: (a) setup.cfg, (b), and (c), as described below.

For further discussion on this topic, see the answers to “Set __version__ of module from a file when configuring setuptools using setup.cfg without,” Stack Overflow, May 23, 2022.

Specify the version number in the file

The version number is defined in the file within the root of import package, i.e., at path:


with the syntax:

__version__ = '1.0.0'

This must be coupled with both an import in the file and the appropriate directive in the setup.cfg file.

The file must import the __version__ attribute

The file, also within the root of the import package, i.e., at path:


must include the following import command:

from . __version__ import __version__

This import statement is discussed in detail at

The setup.cfg file’s version declaration must be properly defined to use the attr: special directive

The setup.cfg file, in the root of the project directory, i.e., at the path


must include the following snippet:

version = attr: demo_package_sample_data_with_code.__version__

The directory that immediately encloses each resource must be a package and thus must have an file

importlib.resources considers a file a resource only if the file is in the root directory of a package. A directory cannot be a package unless it includes a file. (It’s fine if this file is empty. It’s its filename that counts.)

Here the relevant resources are two text files:

  • "sample_data_pi.txt"
    • located at the root of the import package, i.e.,
    • src/demo_package_and_read_data_files/sample_data_pi.txt
  • "sample_data_e.txt"
    • located within a subfolder, "sample_data", of the import package, i.e.,
    • src/demo_package_and_read_data_files/sample_data/sample_data_e.txt

(Soley to demonstrate throwing a FileNotFoundError exception, also attempts to open meaning_of_life.txt, but, unsurprisingly, it does not exist.)

In our case the requirement that each data file be in the root directory of a package means that the following directories each must have an file:

  • src/demo_package_and_read_data_files
    • This directory would have been a package (and thus would have had an file) even if we had no data files to worry about, so no additional file is created for this directory on account of the data files.
  • src/demo_package_and_read_data_files/sample_data
    • This directory is not a directory of Python files, so it would not normally have an file. Thus, in order to read the data file from inside, we need to artificially add an file inside.

Telling setuptools about data files that need to be included in the package

setuptools will not by default incorporate arbitrary non-Python text files into the package when it builds it. Thus, you must tell setuptools which such files you want it to include.

In the methodology I use here, this requires:

  • telling the configuration file setup.cfg that you do have such files to be included, but not there saying which ones
  • creating a file that specifies the data files (including their paths) to be included.

(If you’re using a different methodology, like using rather than setup.cfg, see the corresponding discussion at § Data File Support of the Setuptools User Guide.)

setup.cfg: include_package_data

In the configuration file setup.cfg, in its [options] section, specify: include_package_data = True

Create and itemize the data files

See, generally: § “Including files in source distributions with” of “Python Packaging User Guide.”

In the present case, the file contains the following and only the following:

include src/demo_package_sample_data_with_code/sample_data_pi.txt
graft src/demo_package_sample_data_with_code/sample_data

where graft ensures, without itemizing them, that all data files in /sample_data are included. (See § commands in the Python Packaging User Guide.)

Thanks to the structure adopted here, where the src/ directory separates all the project metadata from the project code/data, the perhaps could be made even simpler:

graft src

which would ensure that all files within src/ are included in the distribution. (See Ionel Cristian Mărieș: “Without src writting a is tricky. … It’s much easier with a src directory: just add graft src in

setup.cfg: Add a python-tag tag to force file name of resulting “wheel” distribution file to reflect partticular minimum version of Python

This discussion will make more sense after you get to the later section § “The wheel file,” but this discussion nevertheless logically belongs here.

This package requires Python 3.9. My setup.cfg file originally contained the following excerpt:

classifiers =
    Programming Language :: Python :: 3
    License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
    Operating System :: OS Independent

package_dir =
    = src
packages = find:
python_requires = >=3.9
include_package_data = True

However, notwithstanding the python_requires = >=3.9, the resulting wheel file’s filename contained a “Python Tag” that was simply py3 rather than py39 (which would have indicated a minimum Python version of 3.9).

So I next changed the Python tag in the Classifiers section to explicitly state version 3.9. However, that did not affect the Python Tag in the file name of the resulting wheel file.

I finally—inspired by this answer on Stack Overflow—solved the problem by adding the following section to setup.cfg:

python-tag = py39

After this change, the file name of the resulting wheel file including the Python Tag string py39 as I desired.

Considerations regarding the inter-word delimiter character in a multiword project name

The name field in setup.cfg (or defines the name of your project as it will appear on PyPI. (Examples will often misleadingly suggest that this is the package name, in some incompletely specified notion of “package,” but the only effect of this field is to determine the project name on PyPI.)

When, for better readability, you want your project name to have multiple words, you need to have a nonspace delimiter between these words. However, no matter what delimiter you prefer, e.g., underscore (_), hyphen (-), or dot (.), PyPI will ignore your expressed intention and “normalize” the name so that each such delimiter (or even runs of delimiters) is replaced with a single hyphen. So, to avoid confusion, I suggest that, when the project name has two or more words joined by delimiters, you specify hyphens for the delimiter from the get go, since that’s the form it will ultimately take.

Of course, you might want the import package of your project to have the same name as your project; that’s common. But if your project has multiple words separted by delimiters, this won’t be exactly possible. The best you could do is name your import package the same as the project, but substituting an underscore for each delimiter. E.g.,

  • Project name: my-cool-thing
  • Import package name: my_cool_thing is executed when package invoked from command line with -m flag; allows for a CLI

Although not appropriate in all cases, including a file establishes an entry point for the case where the package name is invoked directly (using runpy) from the command line with the -m flag, e.g.,:

python -m demo_package_and_read_data_files

(Note that the import package name, demo_package_and_read_data_files must use underscores as the inter-word delimiter, even though the project name uses hyphens for the delimiter.)

(In general, the -m flag tells Python to search sys.path for the named module and execute its contents as the __main__ module. Since the argument is a module name, you must not give a file extension (.py). What’s crucial for us here is that package names (including namespace packages) are also permitted. When a package name is supplied instead of a normal module, the interpreter will execute <pkg>.__main__ as the main module.)

Thus the user can simply reference the package rather than a particular module within the package.

This can also be combined with reading additional arguments entered on the command line.

See § “ in Python Packages” in “__main__ — Top-level code environment,”

Note that the contents of typically aren’t fenced with if __name__ == '__main__' blocks.

Loosely, is to a package what a main() function is to a console script. (E.g., “main functions are often used to create command-line tools by specifying them as entry points for console scripts.”)

Establish a console-script entry-point command for a user to execute the program

Adding a console script entry point allows the package to define a user-friendly name for installers of the package to execute. See § “Entry Points” of Building and Distributing Packages with Setuptools, PyPA.

To implement such a user-friendly command name, here my-command, we need to make modifications to (a) setup.cfg and (b)

In setup.cfg

console_scripts =
    my-command = demo_package_sample_data_with_code.__main__:main


# The following import was apparently required to get the  console script
# entry point to work. Without this import, I got errors at run time (when
# issuing the command `demo-command` on the command line, but not when using
# `runpy`, i.e., `python -m`):
#    AttributeError: module 'demo_package_sample_data_with_code' has no attribute 'main'
# Thus by importing main() in, `main` was in the proper namespace.

from . __main__ import main

Finish development and upload to PyPI

Here I walk through—stage by stage, and command by command—the process of:

  • creating a virtual environment,
  • finishing your development in a local “editable” or “development” install,
  • building your project and turning it into a distribution package that can be uploaded to PyPI,
  • uploading it to TestPyPI,
  • testing your distribution by created a new virtual environment and installing your project from TestPyPI.

A full transcript (where only some of the output is condensed) of this process is available at: docs/Transcript_of_installation_and_testing.txt.

Create a virtual environment

From here on, I’m assuming that you’re using a virtual environment. I use venv, noting that, per the Python Packaging User Guide (§ “Installing packages using pip and virtual environments”): “If you are using Python 3.3 or newer, the venv module is the preferred way to create and manage virtual environments.”

Generally, see:

Install the project in “editable mode”/“development mode” in order to test and further develop it

When still developing the package, and before ever publishing it to PyPI (or even TestPyPI), we want to install the package from the local source (and therefore not from PyPI). Moreover, we do so in “editable mode,” which is essentially “setuptools develop mode.” In this mode, you continue to work on the code without needing to rebuild and reinstall the project every time you make a change.

(See generally § “Local project installs” in the pip documentation, and in particular §§ “Editable installs.”)

To install this package in “editable mode”/“development mode,” we use pip install with the -e option:

python -m pip install -e path/to/SomeProject

(See “‘Editable’ Installs” in the pip » commands » install documentation.) (Also, here’s an argument by Brett Cannon for using python -m pip install -e . instead of pip install -e ..)

As the documentation well explains:

Editable installs allow you to install your project without copying any files. Instead, the files in the development directory are added to Python’s import path. This approach is well suited for development and is also known as a “development installation”.

With an editable install, you only need to perform a re-installation if you change the project metadata (eg: version, what scripts need to be generated etc). You will still need to run build commands when you need to perform a compilation for non-Python code in the project (eg: C extensions).

For example, to navigate to the project directory, create and activate a virtual environment, and install the project in editable mode:

% cd path/to/demo_package_and_read_data_files
% python3 -m venv venv
% source venv/bin/activate
% python -m pip install --upgrade pip
% python -m pip install -e .

(In the pip command the “.” in pip install -e . represents the path to the project.)

Installing in editable mode allows you to edit the code and immediately see the changes without having to rebuild and reinstall the package.

Build the distribution package to upload to PyPI

When development matures to the point of having a version of the project you want to distribute via PyPI, the next step is to generate a distribution package for the project.

Install build

The first step is to install build into your virtual environment (or upgrade if it already exists there) with

% python -m pip install --upgrade build

Build the distribution

See § “Generating distribution archives of “Packaging Python Projects,” Python Packaging User Guide » Tutorials.

% cd path/to/demo_package_and_read_data_files
% python -m build

This generates a fair amount of output and creates a dist directory at the project root, which now contains the following two files:


The wheel file

The first of these, with the .whl extension is a “wheel” file, or “built distribution.” It contains files and metadata that need only to be moved to an appropriate location on the target system in order to be installed.

To better understand the file name of the wheel file (and in particular the platform compatibility tags after the version number), see § “File name convention” of PEP 427 – The Wheel Binary Package Format 1.0, supplemented by PEP 425 – Compatibility Tags for Built Distributions. See also Brett Cannon, “The challenges in designing a library for PEP 425 (aka wheel tags),” Tall, Snarky Canadian, June 1, 2019.

In the present case:

The source archive

The second of these, with the tar.gz extension, is a “source archive,” that contains raw source code.

You should always upload a source archive and provide built archives for the platforms your project is compatible with. In this case, our example package is compatible with Python on any platform so only one built distribution is needed.

Upload the distribution

Install twine

% pip install --upgrade twine

check your dist/* with twine

% twine check dist/*
Checking dist/demo_package_and_read_data_files-0.0.1-py39-none-any.whl: PASSED
Checking dist/demo_package_and_read_data_files-0.0.1.tar.gz: PASSED

Test with

Upload to

See “Using TestPyPI,” of the Python Packaging User Guide, PyPA.

% twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
Uploading distributions to
Enter your username: myusername
Enter your password: ••••••••
Uploading demo_package_and_read_data_files-0.0.1-py39-none-any.whl
Uploading demo_package_and_read_data_files-0.0.1.tar.gz
View at:

Test install the package locally from TestPyPI

When visiting the above link, the page displays a command for installing the package:

pip install -i demo-package-and-read-data-files==0.0.1
Create a new directory and corresponding new virtual environment and install package from TestPyPI
% cd GitHub_repos 
% mkdir test_package
% python3 -m venv venv
% source venv/bin/activate
% python -m pip install --upgrade pip
% pip install -i demo-package-and-read-data-files==0.0.1
Successfully installed demo-package-and-read-data-files-0.0.1

% python -m demo-package-and-read-data-files
No module named demo-package-and-read-data-files
% pip list
Package                          Version
-------------------------------- -------
demo-package-and-read-data-files 0.0.1
pip                              22.0.4
setuptools                       60.10.0

Running the program from the command line

Running the program with no CLI argument

When the user does not supply a CLI argument, a default message is printed:

The user declined to share any knowledge. 🙁

% python -m demo_package_and_read_data_files
I am here, in

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

The user declined to share any knowledge. 🙁

π: 3.14159265358979323846
e: 2.71828182845904523536

Please don’t be concerned when you see the following error message. It’s expected.

Oops! The data file «meaning_of_life.txt» wasn’t found at this location:
»» /Volumes/Avocado/Users/ada/Documents/GitHub_repos/demo-package-sample-data-with-code/src/demo_package_sample_data_with_code/sample_data/meaning_of_life.txt.
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Volumes/Avocado/Users/ada/Documents/GitHub_repos/demo-package-sample-data-with-code/src/demo_package_sample_data_with_code/sample_data/meaning_of_life.txt'
Meaning of life: I have no clue 🤪

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Running the program with CLI argument a sequence of words

The user is meant to enter text at the command line. If the user does not quote the string, it will be reported as a list of words, which will be .join()ed into a single string of space-separated words.

python -m demo_package_sample_data_with_code Wu Zetian was the only female emperor in China’s history
I am here, in

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

The user chose to share: Wu Zetian was the only female emperor in China’s history

π: 3.14159265358979323846
e: 2.71828182845904523536

Please don’t be concerned when you see the following error message. It’s expected.

Oops! The data file «meaning_of_life.txt» wasn’t found at this location:
»» /Volumes/Avocado/Users/ada/Documents/GitHub_repos/demo-package-sample-data-with-code/src/demo_package_sample_data_with_code/sample_data/meaning_of_life.txt.
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Volumes/Avocado/Users/ada/Documents/GitHub_repos/demo-package-sample-data-with-code/src/demo_package_sample_data_with_code/sample_data/meaning_of_life.txt'
Meaning of life: I have no clue 🤪

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Running the program with CLI argument a quoted string of a sequence of words

python -m demo_package_sample_data_with_code "Wu Zetian was the only female emperor in China’s history"
I am here, in

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

The user chose to share: Wu Zetian was the only female emperor in China’s history

π: 3.14159265358979323846
e: 2.71828182845904523536

Please don’t be concerned when you see the following error message. It’s expected.

Oops! The data file «meaning_of_life.txt» wasn’t found at this location:
»» /Volumes/Avocado/Users/ada/Documents/GitHub_repos/demo-package-sample-data-with-code/src/demo_package_sample_data_with_code/sample_data/meaning_of_life.txt.
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Volumes/Avocado/Users/ada/Documents/GitHub_repos/demo-package-sample-data-with-code/src/demo_package_sample_data_with_code/sample_data/meaning_of_life.txt'
Meaning of life: I have no clue 🤪

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Running the program with CLI argument a call for help: --help

python -m demo_package_sample_data_with_code --help
I am here, in

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

usage: [-h] [user_wisdom ...]

positional arguments:
  user_wisdom  Please share some wisdom

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit