currency and other utilities

pip install denarius==2018.4.16.1225



currency and other utilities


denarius is a project, not a finished product. It features various utilities for collating cryptocurrency, mining, financial and other data, for plotting data and for accessing bank accounts. It features analyses of data for systematic descriptions, for predictions, for arbitrage etc.


sudo apt-get install sqlite

tar -xvzf geckodriver-v0.19.1-linux64.tar.gz
rm geckodriver-v0.19.1-linux64.tar.gz
chmod +x geckodriver
sudo cp geckodriver /usr/local/bin/

sudo pip install denarius

Bitcoin values

The function ticker_Bitcoin returns data of the following form:

{'volume': 2050.1665002833397, 'last': 992.2553834529656, 'timestamp': 1487551580.0, 'bid': 991.8303740083114, 'vwap': 993.3415187004156, 'high': 1002.9278428409522, 'low': 981.3656970154892, 'ask': 992.2553834529656, 'open': 993.3887419720438}

It accesses data from Bitstamp.

feature description
last last Bitcoin price
high last 24 hours price high
low last 24 hours price low
vwap last 24 hours volume weighted average price
volume last 24 hours volume
bid highest buy order
ask lowest sell order
timestamp UNIX timestamp date and time
open first price of the day

The function data_historical_Bitcoin returns by default data of the following form:

{'bpi': {'2017-02-17': 992.1077, '2017-02-16': 969.2414, '2017-02-15': 952.6512, '2017-02-14': 954.1432, '2017-02-13': 940.7982, '2017-02-12': 940.1764, '2017-02-11': 949.3397, '2017-02-10': 933.4325, '2017-02-19': 991.254, '2017-02-18': 997.0854}, 'time': {'updated': 'Feb 20, 2017 00:20:08 UTC', 'updatedISO': '2017-02-20T00:20:08+00:00'}, 'disclaimer': 'This data was produced from the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index. BPI value data returned as EUR.'}

With the option return_list, it returns data of the following form:

[['2017-02-10', 933.4325], ['2017-02-11', 949.3397], ['2017-02-12', 940.1764], ['2017-02-13', 940.7982], ['2017-02-14', 954.1432], ['2017-02-15', 952.6512], ['2017-02-16', 969.2414], ['2017-02-17', 992.1077], ['2017-02-18', 997.0854], ['2017-02-19', 991.254]]

With the option return_UNIX_times, it returns data of the following form:

[[1486684800, 933.4325], [1486771200, 949.3397], [1486857600, 940.1764], [1486944000, 940.7982], [1487030400, 954.1432], [1487116800, 952.6512], [1487203200, 969.2414], [1487289600, 992.1077], [1487376000, 997.0854], [1487462400, 991.254]]


LocalBitcoins data is available via its API. For example, the following URL gives data on current trades in GBP available by national bank transfer:

The data returned by the API is of a form like this.

The function values_Bitcoin_LocalBitcoin returns the price values returned by calling the API in this way.

import denarius

The script loop records LocalBitcoins data to database. To address closed gateways arising from repeat calls, the script could be used in a way like the following:

while true; do --timeperiod=3600
    sleep 5400


A database of Bitcoin values can be saved in the following ways:

import denarius
denarius.save_database_Bitcoin(filename = "database.db")
import denarius
denarius.save_database_Bitcoin(filename = "database_Bitcoin_EUR.db", currency = "EUR")
denarius.save_database_Bitcoin(filename = "database_Bitcoin_GBP.db", currency = "GBP")


The function save_graph_Bitcoin creates a graph of Bitcoin historical values over a specified time. The function save_graph_LocalBitcoins creates a graph of LocalBitcoins Bitcoin lowest prices in GBP as recorded in a database by the script


The script displays a PyQt GUI with a graph of the last Bitcoin values. --help --currency=EUR --days=100


A graph can be generated of Bitcoin GBP value versus LocalBitcoins GBP lowest value:

import denarius

A graph can be generated of Bitcoin GBP value versus LocalBitcoins GBP lowest 5 values:

import denarius

A graph can be generated of LocalBitcoins normalized prices over days:

A graph can be generated of LocalBitcoins normalized prices over weeks:

A graph can be generated of LocalBitcoins non-normalized prices over weeks:

Bollinger bands


KanoPool records for addresses can be recorded to CSV in a way like the following: --help --addresses=1Miner7R28PKcTRbEDwQt4ykMinunhTehs --interval=10

The CSV data can be analysed using the Jupyter Notebook KanoPool.ipynb.

Slush Pool

Slush Pool records for an address can be recorded to CSV in a way like the following: --help --addresses=1Miner7R28PKcTRbEDwQt4ykMinunhTehs --interval=60 --alarm=11800000 --slushloginname=user --slushworkername=worker1

The CSV fields are, in order, as follows:

  • address
  • hash rate
  • shares
  • UNIX timestamp
  • unconfirmed reward in Bitcoin
  • confirmed reward in Bitcoin
  • total reward (confirmed + unconfirmed) in Bitcoin
  • total payout since script launch in Bitcoin
  • number of blocks found since script launch

The CSV data can be analysed using the Jupyter Notebook SlushPool.ipynb.


The RBS module provides utilities for getting the balance and recent transactions of an RBS account using the RBS banking web interface, Selenium and Firefox. For convenience, account details can be stored in a credentials file, which is assumed by default to be ~/.rbs. The account code is an alphanumeric code extracted from the web interface. The content of a credentials file is of the following form, which is Python code:

customer_number = "XXXXXXXXXX"
PIN             = "XXXXXX"
passcode        = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

A dictionary of the current balance and a pandas DataFrame of recent transactions is returned by the function RBS.account_status.

import RBS

status  = RBS.account_status()
balance = status["balance"]
df      = status["transactions"]

The DataFrame features the fields date, description and amount. A transaction containing a certain reference or description could be selected in the following way:

df[df["description"].str.contains("transaction reference 123")]

The existence of a transaction can be tested in a way like the following:

if df[df["description"].str.contains("transaction reference 123")].values.any():

    print("transaction found")


    print("transaction not found")

The script is available to open an RBS account web interface and to display the current balance and recent transactions in the terminal, optionally in a loop. --loop

The script is available to search for a transaction or transactions with a specified reference. --reference=123


The script records data for arbitrage between Kraken and LocalBitcoins UK.

The script is available for display of recorded data and current prices for arbitrage between Kraken and LocalBitcoins UK.

paper wallets for Bitcoin, QR codes of keys

The script creates a QR code for a specified public key and private key and enables optional specification of the size of the resulting PNG images. It loads the keys from a Python file ( by default) which defines the string variables key_public and key_private.

The script creates a QR code for a specified public key and private key. It then creates an image of a Bitcoin paper wallet. It loads the keys from a Python file ( by default) which defines the string variables key_public and key_private.