
Difio registration agent for cloudControl / Python applications

cloudControl, difio, updates, cloud, diff
pip install difio-cloudcontrol-python==1.2


Difio registration agent for cloudControl / Python applications.

It compiles a list of locally installed Python packages and sends it to <http://www.dif.io>.

Installing on your cloudControl application

Create an account at <http://www.dif.io>

Create a Python application on cloudControl

Add a dependency in your requirements.txt file

echo 'difio-cloudcontrol-python' >> requirements.txt

Then commit, push and deploy your application to cloudControl

git commit -a -m "added dependency on Difio"
cctrlapp APP_NAME push
cctrlapp APP_NAME deploy

Configure your user credentials

cctrlapp APP_NAME/DEP_NAME addon.add config.free --DIFIO_USER_ID=YourUserID

Execute the registration script to submit the information to Difio

cctrlapp APP_NAME/DEP_NAME run /app/.heroku/venv/bin/difio-cctrl-python
Running `/app/.heroku/venv/bin/difio-cctrl-python` attached to terminal... up, run.1
Success, registered/updated application 8370e3be-6e54-462d-9ca9-224301c29a1d

That's it, you can now check your application statistics at <http://www.dif.io>

Updating your requirements.txt

Whenever you change your requirements.txt file to include new dependencies or upgrade/downgrade package versions you should re-submit the information to Difio.

cctrlapp APP_NAME/DEP_NAME run /app/.heroku/venv/bin/difio-cctrl-python