A library of tiny little functions to make development that little bit easier.

pip install diogi==0.0.8



Diog means to laze in Welsh. This package is to help me do less.

Most of the functions and decorators included in the diog package could be easily implemented with a single line of obscure python but then I would have to implement (and test) them again and again.

I'd rather not. I'm lazy.


always_a_list(obj: any) -> list with alias aal takes any object and if it isn't a list already, it wraps it up in one. It is also available as @always_a_list decorator.

default_if_none(obj: any, default: any) -> any: with alias din acts as a null coalescence.

first_or_default(lst: list, default: any=None) -> any: with alias fod returns the first element of a list if there is at least one element, or the default value.

get_if_exists(obj: any, key: str, default: any=None) -> any with alias gie. attempts to get a property of a dictionary or an attribute of an object, and if it doesn't exist or is None the default value is returned.

list_is_optional(obj: any) -> any with alias lio takes any object and if it is a list with a single element then it returns just the element, otherwise the list is returned. It is also available as @list_is_optional decorator.

list_without_nones(lst: list) -> list with alias lwn returns copy of the list without any None values. It is also available as @list_without_nones decorator.

none_if_empty(obj: any) -> any with alias nie returns copy of the object unless it is an empty list or an empty directory

append_if_not_none(obj: any, value: any, key: str) -> any with alias ainn

get_if_exists(obj: any, key: str) -> any with alias gie

set_if_not_none(obj: any, value: any, key: str) -> any with alias sinn


to_data sometimes the object needs to be converted to a simpler data representation of dicts and lists. In those cases my objects implement a public method as_data(self). The diog.conventions.to_data(obj: any) takes an object or a list of object, and reduces the input to data.

To Publish

pipenv shell
pipenv install
python setup.py pytest
python setup.py bdist_wheel