
HTTP Benchmarking tool using access log to extract requests and simulate traffic

pip install dioivo==1.1.2



HTTP Benchmarking tool using access log to extract requests and simulate traffic

What is it?

dioivo, previously known as pywench, is a tool coded in python that extracts urls from access log file (from apache or nginx) and generates requests to a target server in a sequenced or random way.


I coded dioivo becouse I could not find any tool that does anything similar. I used tools like ab to benchmark websites but only test a single url. I wanted a tool to benchmark a website or an http service based in the requests it uses to have, in the same proportions of static and dynamic requests and the same proportion of each.

Thanks to dioivo it is easy to actually measure the impact on performance that some configuration values have or any other measures you take to improve performance. This way it is very useful to optimize websites or to estimate the ammount of traffic that a platform can handle. I used dioivo many times with these objectives and I can say that the numbers look quite good.

What can it do?

It benchmarks a website and then shows the minimum, average and maximum values for ttfb (time to first byte), ttlb (time to last byte) and bandwidth use (NOTE: the bandwidth use is very rough estimation and it was included recently as an experimental feature). Additionaly, it shows the URLs that had, on average, the minimum and maximum ttfb and ttlb so you can identify problematic urls.

A sumary of the returned HTTP codes is shown too.

Then it generates 4 files:

  • .txt Saves the stats as they are presented in console.
  • .csv Saves the raw data in case you can use it elsewhere (spreadsheet, graphs, etc)
  • .stat Saves the stats in JSON format
  • .png Saves a plot of the ttfb and ttlb during the benchmark

These are the options it has:

usage: usage: dioivo [options] -s SERVER -u URLS_FILE -c CONCURRENCY -n NUMBER_OF_REQUESTS

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i TEST_ID, --test-id TEST_ID
                        Identificator for the test. This name will be a suffix
                        for the output files.
  -s HOST, --server HOST
                        Host to benchmark. It must include the protocol and
                        lack of trailing slash. For example:
  -u URLS_FILE, --urls URLS_FILE
                        File with url's to test. This file must be directly an
                        access.log file from nginx or apache. It can be
                        gzipped (must end with .gz).
                        Number of concurrent requests
  -n TOTAL_REQUESTS, --number-of-requests TOTAL_REQUESTS
                        Number of requests to send to the host.
  -m MODE, --mode MODE  Mode can be 'random' or 'sequence'. It defines how the
                        urls will be chosen from the url's file.
                        Replace parameter on the URLs that have such
                        parameter: p.e.: 'user=hackme' will set the parameter
                        'user' to 'hackme' on all url that have the 'user'
                        parameter. Can be called several times to make
                        multiple replacements.
                        Adds rule for form authentication with cookies.
                        For example: 'POST::http://example.com/login.py::user=
                        root::pass=hackme'. NOTE: Use full url with protocol
                        as in the example.
  --http-version HTTP_VERSION
                        Defines which protocol version to use. Use '11' for
                        HTTP 1.1 and '10' for HTTP 1.0
  -H HEADERS, --add-header HEADERS
                        Adds a header to the requests. It can be specified
                        multiple times. For example: -H 'User-Agent:
  -e, --examine         If you enable this flag, you'll be able to examine the
                        graph for the benchmark when it finishes. Note that
                        this requires matplotlib and an X environment.
  -M METHODS, --methods METHODS
                        Comma separated list of methods to be looked for in
                        the access log file. Default only GET requests are
                        used. For example: 'GET,PUT,DELETE'
  -D, --debug           Show debug information. For debugging only.
  -V, --version         Show version information and exit.

Example of use

In this example I used a test server with a new wordpress installation. I got the access.log file (this one had only around 20 requets but it may have thousands, that is why it also opens gziped access.log) and executed the following command with the most basic options that dioivo requires. NOTE: The domain is of course an example.

dioivo -s https://wordpress.myexample.net -u /tmp/test_access.log -c 20 -n 5000

And after the fancy progress bar finishes, we see this information in the console output

  Requests: 5000		Concurrency: 20

  	    minimum		     average		    maximum
  	    -------		     -------		    -------
  ttfb	    0.04933 s	             0.06236 s	            0.85967 s
  ttlb	    0.04943 s	             0.06917 s	            0.91487 s

  mbps	    2.329 Mbps	             100.574 Mbps	    418.695 Mbps

  Requests per second: 285 rps

  URL min ttfb: (0.05925 s) /wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen/assets/js/global.js?ver=1.0
  URL max ttfb: (0.06688 s) /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1
  URL min ttlb: (0.05944 s) /wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen/assets/js/global.js?ver=1.0
  URL max ttlb: (0.14086 s) /wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen/assets/images/header.jpg
  NOTE: These stats are based on the average time (ttfb or ttlb) for each url.

  Protocol stats:
	     HTTP 200:  5000 requests (100.00%)

And it also generates this 4 files:

  • wordpress.myexample.net_r5000_c20.csv
  • wordpress.myexample.net_r5000_c20.png
  • wordpress.myexample.net_r5000_c20.stat
  • wordpress.myexample.net_r5000_c20.txt

In this case, the generated graph looks like this


Clarification You may ask why the initial spike. This was a new server installed behind the treitos caching platform. The first requests were not in the cache so they took more time to be served. Afther the caches were populated things were much faster.

How can I install it?

dioivo has 2 requirements

  • urllib3
  • numpy

but if you want to have the graphs, you will need to install matplotlib too.

You can install dioivo with

pip install dioivo


  • Why was it splited from the dgtool repository ?

    I found that the project got mature enough to have a repository of its own so I could properly manage it.

  • Why the name change ?

    Well... I thought that pywench was not a bad enough name.

  • What headers does dioivo use by default ?

    By default it sends:

    • User-Agent: dioivo/{{ VERSION }}
    • Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate