
A docker orchestration tool.

docker, orchestration, docker-py
pip install dirg==1.0.4


Dirg - a docker container configuration and orchestration tool

Maintained by Stephan Brosinski for Smaato Inc..

Dirg is an orchestration tool for docker. It reads a yaml file describing services made of docker container definitions and allows to apply a number of commands to these groups of containers.

Why another orchestration tool?

  • Support for multi-host docker setups
  • Support for templating in service description


Make sure you have

  • Python 2.7, 3.x is not supported yet
  • Python setuptools are installed

You can install Dirg from the Python Package Index with

$ pip install dirg 

Or you can clone the repository, then

$ python setup.py install

To check if the installation was successful, execute

$ dirg info    

Setting the docker host

You can either set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable or set a specific docker host per container in the service description.

Using a local docker host:

$ export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///var/run/docker.sock

Using a remote docker host via HTTP:

$ export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://remote.host:2375

Using a remote docker host via HTTPS:

$ export DOCKER_HOST=https://remote.host:2375
$ export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/path/to/client/cert.pem

Dirg Commands

Most commands have the form:


If SERVICE_NAME is missing, all is the default service name.

COMMAND can be

run                 Create all container and start them.
info                Prints out environment info.
start               Start all service container.
stop                Stop all service container
rm                  Remove all service service.
build               Build all service container images.
ps                  List all services and their container status.
show                Show service container config.
pull                Pull service container images.
logs                Show service logs.
update              Update service.
stats               Show service stats.

Adding -d will print out additional debug information. This is valuable when you want to make sure Dirg is finding the right service configuration. info shows all environment variables needed for a SSL connection.

Service Configuration

To configure Dirg you need a configuration file called dirg.cfg and a yaml description of your services. When you execute Dirg, it looks for file named dirg.cfg in the current directory. You can set an environment variable DIRG_CFG to point to your dirg.cfg file.

A minimal dirg.cfg looks like this:

dirg_services = /path/to/dirg-services.yml

It holds a reference to the file describing your docker based services. In addition, you may define your own properties and values which you can then use in your service description. E.g. you could add you docker image registry URL to dirg.cfg and then reference it in your container definitions.

A dirg-services.yml looks like this:

    - container1
    - container2
    - container3
    - container4
    - container1
    - container2
    - container3    
    - container4
    - container5

    image:  imagename
    volumes: volumes
    volume_bindings: volume bindings
    image:  imagename
    volumes: volumes
    volume_bindings: volume bindings


This yaml file contains 2 sub-documents (separated by ---). The first document describes all existing services. The second one describes the containers used by the services above.

If you name a service all it will be the default service used by Dirg when you don't name a service upon calling Dirg commands.

Container Configuration

Dirg supports the following container properties (more will be added as needed):

Property Description
image Image to use
docker_host Docker host to run this container on
net Network config
env Environment variables
volumes Volumes for the container
volume_bindings Mapping of container volumes
ports Ports opened by the container
port_bindings Mapping to host ports
links Docker links to other container
command Command to execute when container starts

This is a commented sample container definition using every configuration possible:

# You can use comments in dirg-services.yml, block comments start with {# and end with #}
# my_container will be set as container name on the docker host.
    # Stay DRY by using properties defined in dirg.cfg
    # Variables are enclosed in {{property_name}}
    image: {{registry}}/my_image_name
    # Run each command concerning this container on the following docker host
    docker_host: https://my.docker.host:2376
    # Use host network instead of bridge, which is default
    net: host
    # Define environment variables
        ENV1: value1
        ENV2: value2
    # Anywhere in dirg-services.yml you can also reference properties defined
    # as environment variables in the shell Dirg is running in.
    # This fills the docker environment variable with the contents of an
    # environment variable defined in the shell. If the shell environment
    # variable is not available, 'secret' is used as a default    
        MY_PASSWORD: {{env['PASSWORD'] or 'secret'}}
    # Define volumes for the container
    volumes: [/logs, /data]
    # Then map them to host directories, specified in a property read from dirg.cfg
        {{data_dir}}: {bind: /data}
        {{logs_dir}}: {bind: /logs}
    # Define ports exposed by the container
    ports: [80, 90]
    # Then map them to host ports
    port_bindings: {80: 8080, 90: 9090}
    # Ugly workaround to define a UDP port. This will be improved in a later version:
        - !!python/tuple [8125, udp]
    port_bindings: {8125: 8125}
    # Link containers
    links: {db: db}

    # Execute command in container when it starts
    command: '/app/run_benchmark -p 80 -c 90'

Advanced Templating

Since the service description is a Jinja2 template you may do everything you can do in Jinja2. Take a look at the Jinja2 template designer documentation at http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/dev/templates/ .

Some ideas of what you could do:

# Define a service my_service with 3 containers
{% for idx in [1, 2, 3] %}
  - container{{idx}}
{% endfor %}

# Define 3 container to run on 3 different docker hosts
{% for idx in [1, 2, 3] %}
    image: {{registry}}/my-image
    docker_host: https://docker-host0{{idx}}
{% endfor %}    

To check the result of your templating you can call dirg show my_service which would result in the following output:

    image: my-registry:5000/my-image
    docker_host: https://docker-host01

    image: my-registry:5000/my-image
    docker_host: https://docker-host02

    image: my-registry:5000/my-image
    docker_host: https://docker-host03 

Or you could define certain container or services only when run in a certain environment:

# Only define this container if there is an environment variable 'dev'
{% if env['dev'] %}
    image: my-registry:5000/my-image
{% endif %}