
Directory list wrapper for batch file processing

pip install dirlistproc==1.4.2


dirlistproc - command line directory processing

dirlistproc is a command line driven directory processing framework that allows the specification of input and output files or directories from the command line



   python setup.py install

-- or --

   pip install dirlistproc


Project Page



http://readthedocs.org/docs/dirlistproc/en/latest -- TODO




It accepts command line arguments that allow the specification of:

  • An optional list of input file name(s)
  • An optional input directory
  • An optional list of output file names(s)
  • An optional directory
  • An flag that determines whether input directory structure should be preserved in the output directory
  • An flag that determines whether processing should stop if an error is encountered or continue

Default help display

> python DirectoryListProcessor.py -h
usage: DirectoryListProcessor.py [-h] [-i [INFILE [INFILE ...]]] [-id INDIR]
                          [-o [OUTFILE [OUTFILE ...]]] [-od OUTDIR] [-f]

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i [INFILE [INFILE ...]], --infile [INFILE [INFILE ...]] Input file(s) -id INDIR, --indir INDIR Input directory -o [OUTFILE [OUTFILE ...]], --outfile [OUTFILE [OUTFILE ...]] Output file(s) -od OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR Output directory -f, --flatten Flatten output directory -s, --stoponerror Stop on processing error


The DirectoryListProcessor constructor takes 6 input arguments:

  1. the argument list -- if None, sys.argv[1:] is used
  2. the description of the program for the argparse help function
  3. the input file suffix filter. If None, no filter is applied
  4. the output file suffix.
  5. process to add arguments before parse (optional) -- signature: addargs(parser:argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
  6. process to valid and process parsed argument (optional) -- signature: postparse(opts:argparse.Namespace) -> None:
  7. optional noexit: boolif True, override the argparse system.exit and return whether the parse was successful in dlp.successful_parse
  8. optional fromfile_prefix_chars: str. prefix used to reference configuration file as alternative to command line input.

(Note that file names that begin with "." are always ignored)

The run function takes three arguments:

  1. the file processor -- signature: proc(input_file_name: str, output_file_name: str, opts: argparse.Namespace) -> bool:
  2. the input file filter (optional) -- signature: filter(input_file_name: str) -> bool:
  3. an alternative input file filter (optional) -- signature: filter2(input_directory: Optional[str], input_file_name: str, opts: argparse.Namespace) -> bool



import dirlistproc

def proc_xml(input_fn: str, output_fn: str, _) -> bool:
    print("Converting %s to %s" % (input_fn, output_fn))
    return True

def main():
    dlp = dirlistproc.DirectoryListProcessor(None, "Convert XML to Text", ".xml", ".txt")
    nfiles, nsuccess = dlp.run(proc_xml)
    print("Total=%d Successful=%d" % (nfiles, nsuccess))

if __name__ == '__main__':


> cd tests
> export PYTHONPATH=..
> python simple_example.py -id testfiles -od ../output
Converting testfiles/f1.xml to ../output/f1.txt
Converting testfiles/f2.xml to ../output/f2.txt
Converting testfiles/d1/f3.xml to ../output/d1/f3.txt
Converting testfiles/d1/d2/f4.xml to ../output/d1/d2/f4.txt
Total=4 Successful=4 
>  python simple_example.py -i foo.xml -o foo.txt
Converting foo.xml to foo.txt
Total=1 Successful=1
> python simple_example.py -i foo.xml -od another/dir
Converting foo.xml to another/dir/foo.txt
Total=1 Successful=1

Flattening the output directory

The "-f" parameter indicates that the input directory structure should not be preserved in the output:

> python simple_example.py -id testfiles -od ../output -f
Converting testfiles/f1.xml to ../output/f1.txt
Converting testfiles/f2.xml to ../output/f2.txt
Converting testfiles/d1/f3.xml to ../output/f3.txt
Converting testfiles/d1/d2/f4.xml to ../output/f4.txt
Total=4 Successful=4

Stop on error argument

The "-s" parameter controls whether processing continues or stops when the processing function returns False:


def proc_xml(input_fn: str, output_fn: str, _) -> bool:
        if input_fn.startswith("E"):
            print("Fail on %s" % input_fn)
            return False
        print("Converting %s to %s" % (input_fn, output_fn))
        return True

> python stop_on_error.py -id testfiles -od ../output
Converting testfiles/f1.xml to ../output/f1.txt
Fail on testfiles/f2.xml
Converting testfiles/d1/f3.xml to ../output/d1/f3.txt
Converting testfiles/d1/d2/f4.xml to ../output/d1/d2/f4.txt
Total=4 Successful=3
> python stop_on_error.py -id testfiles -od ../output -s
Converting testfiles/f1.xml to ../output/f1.txt
Fail on testfiles/f2.xml
Total=2 Successful=1

Input File Filters


def inp_filtr(input_fn):
    print("Filtr %s" % input_fn)
    return "f4" not in input_fn
   nfiles, nsuccess = dlp.run(proc_xml, inp_filtr)

> python input_filter.py -id testfiles
Filtr .nosee.txt
Filtr f1.txt
Filtr f1.xml
Converting testfiles/f1.xml to None
Filtr f2.txt
Filtr f2.xml
Converting testfiles/f2.xml to None
Filtr f3.xml
Converting testfiles/d1/f3.xml to None
Filtr f4.xml
Total=3 Successful=3

Argument processing

The addargs process allows additional arguments to be added to the argument parser.

The postparse process allows the validation and processing of the parsed input arguments


import dirlistproc
import argparse

def proc_xml(input_fn: str, output_fn: str, opts: argparse.Namespace) -> bool:
    print("Converting %s to %s" % (input_fn, output_fn))
    return opts.noconvert

def addargs(args: argparse.ArgumentParser):
    args.add_arg("-n", "--noconvert", help="Just print instead of converting", action="store_true")

def procargs(opts: argparse.Namespace):
    if opts.noconvert:
        print("WARNING: no processing is occuring")

def main():
    dlp = dirlistproc.DirectoryListProcessor(None, "Convert XML to Text", ".xml", ".txt", 
                                             addargs=addargs, postparse=procargs)
    nfiles, nsuccess = dlp.run(proc_xml)
    print("Total=%d Successful=%d" % (nfiles, nsuccess))

if __name__ == '__main__':


> python options.py -id testfiles -od foo
Converting testfiles/f1.xml to foo/f1.txt
Converting testfiles/f2.xml to foo/f2.txt
Converting testfiles/d1/f3.xml to foo/d1/f3.txt
Converting testfiles/d1/d2/f4.xml to foo/d1/d2/f4.txt
Total=4 Successful=4
>python options.py -id testfiles -od foo -n
WARNING: no processing is occurring 
Converting testfiles/f1.xml to foo/f1.txt
Converting testfiles/f2.xml to foo/f2.txt
Converting testfiles/d1/f3.xml to foo/d1/f3.txt
Converting testfiles/d1/d2/f4.xml to foo/d1/d2/f4.txt
Total=4 Successful=0