
Discord as a Service

discord, database, db, storage
pip install discbase==0.4.0


discbase logo


Discord as a Database

Last Commit
E2E Tests Unit Tests Build Formatting Check


Use this library responsibly and be sure to read Discord's Terms of Service before using.


Use the package manager pip to install.

pip install discbase

Set up a Discord bot

  1. Navigate to the Discord Developer Applications page

  2. Create a new application and name it

  1. Navigate to Settings/General Information and save the Application ID

  1. Navigate to Settings/Bot

  1. Click Reset Token, and save the Token

  1. Enable Presence Intent, Server Members Intent, and Message Content Intent

  1. Paste the application ID you saved into the following URL and paste it into any browser: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=APPLICATION_ID_HERE&permissions=8&scope=bot

  2. Select the server you would like to add this to and follow the prompts to authorize

Pick a Channel to Use for Storage

  1. Go to the server that you want to use. The bot you created should be there

  1. Find or create the channel you would like to use for storage, right click on the name and copy the channel ID

Run the Client

import asyncio

from discbase.database.Client import Client

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # put your token here as a string
    TOKEN = "TOKEN_123"
    # put your channel id here as an integer
    CHANNEL_ID = 123
    client = Client(discord_client_token=TOKEN, discord_channel_id=CHANNEL_ID)
    async def main():
        # start the client
        await client.start()
            # store some text data and some media
            stored_record = await client.dump(value="some message", media_paths=["https://some_image.png"])
            # retrieve the data
            retrieved_record = await client.retrieve(record_id=stored_record.record_id)
            my_message = stored_record.text_data
            my_media_url = stored_record.media_urls[0]
        except Exception as e:
        # stop the client
        await client.stop()
    # run code asynchronously

Alternatively, Run the Client as a Context Manager

This is much slower as each time the context manager is used, it has to start up the client and connect first.

The advantage is closing will always be taken care of automatically.

import asyncio

from discbase.database.Client import Client

if __name__ == "__main__":
    async def main():
        # this runs the client
        async with Client(discord_client_token="TOKEN_123", discord_channel_id=123) as client:
            await client.dump(value="foo")
        # the client is now closed automatically



NOTE: You will need to save environment variables for BOT_TOKEN and CHANNEL_ID before running this.

$ export BOT_TOKEN='token'            # your bot token here
$ export CHANNEL_ID=12345             # your discord channel id
$ make speedtest                      # run speedtest with default number of messages
$ make speedtest SPEEDTEST_COUNT=100  # run speedtest with 100 messages


Run these commands from the root folder

  • Install Dependencies: make deps
  • Format Code: make fmt
  • Run Unit Tests: make test-unit
  • Run E2E Tests: make test-e2e
  • Run All Tests: make test-all


Primary Color: #8557BA