
A Discord.py module to facilitate easier viewing for large amounts of content.

pip install discordbook==0.2.1



A Discord module for bot developers wanting a lightweight and customizable package for a book-like info display.

Example of a well-formatted book display:


  • Book - abstracted structure to use
  • Line - particular item inside the book - in the above example, "Abyssal Buckler" would be a line
  • Chapter - group of lines - in the example, "A" would be a chapter
  • Page - combination of chapter headers and lines that can be displayed on the embed


Currently, 2 types of books are supported - a default book with the following default parameters:

Book(chapters = [], title = "\a", description = '\a', color = 1, image = None, per_page = 10)

Example usage of Book:

from discordbook import Book

# Creating the content for the book
lines1 = ["test line 1", "test line 2", "test line 3"]
chapter1 = Chapter("Test Chapter 1", lines1)

lines2 = ["test line 1", "test line 2", "test line 3"]
chapter2 = Chapter("Test Chapter 2", lines2)

lines3 = ["test line 1", "test line 2", "test line 3"]
chapter3 = Chapter("Test Chapter 3", lines3)

lines4 = ["test line 1", "test line 2", "test line 3"]
chapter4 = Chapter("Test Chapter 4", lines4)

lines5 = ["test line 1", "test line 2", "test line 3"]
chapter5 = Chapter("Test Chapter 5", lines5)

# Initializing the object itself
item_book = Book([chapter1, chapter2, chapter3, chapter4, chapter5], "Test Book", "Test book Desc")

# A blocking method that will send and constantly update the book display
await item_book.open_book(client, message.channel, message.author)

And an alphabetically ordered book with the following default parameters:

AlphabeticalBook(content = [], title = "\a", description = '\a', color = 1, per_page = 10, ignore_caps = True)

Example usage of Alphabetical Book:

from discordbook import AlphabeticalBook

# Creating the content for the book
lines1 = ["Test", "test", "Abc", "bc", "D", "Zee"]

# Initializing the object itself
a_book = AlphabeticalBook(lines1, "Test Book", "test desc", ignore_caps = False)

# A blocking method that will send and constantly update the book display
await a_book.open_book(client, message.channel)



  • Books are static once generated
  • Opening a book should be the last call in your function, since it will prevent the rest of your code from running
  • Creating a book with empty lines will result in errors


  • Develop ordering of chapters based of less than function?
  • Bookmark feature to come back to this page after?
  • Give more fine-grained control with non-blocking books
  • Better error checking on small/empty books
  • Set browsing speed, better options for settings
  • Better documentation

Open to pull requests or issues!