This project is a meta package: it reserves the namespace for Dissect packages made by external contributors

pip install dissect.contrib==1.7



This project is a meta package. It reserves the namespace for Dissect packages made by external contributors.

We encourage contributions to the Dissect project, in both the existing projects as well as entirely new ones. We kindly request that you use the dissect.contrib namespace prefix for your package names. For example, a new project for myfilesystem would be called dissect.contrib.myfilesystem.

For more information on developing for Dissect, please see the documentation.

Build and test instructions

This project uses tox to build source and wheel distributions. Run the following command from the root folder to build these:

tox -e build

The build artifacts can be found in the dist/ directory.

tox is also used to run linting and unit tests in a self-contained environment. To run both linting and unit tests using the default installed Python version, run:


For a more elaborate explanation on how to build and test the project, please see the documentation.


The Dissect project encourages any contribution to the codebase. To make your contribution fit into the project, please refer to the style guide.

Copyright and license

Dissect is released as open source by Fox-IT ( part of NCC Group Plc (

Developed by the Dissect Team ( and made available at

License terms: AGPL3 ( For more information, see the LICENSE file.