Dispy - package for creating bots in discord written in Python

aiohttp, asyncio, discord, discord-api, discord-gateway, pytecord, python, python-3, requests
pip install disspy==




version project language python version linting pylint mark documentation Status Code style: black


  • Package with async/await support
  • Wrappers and decorators support
  • Simple code with syntax sugar
  • Minimal python version is 3.8
  • Readable library code

Getting started

Dispy is package for creating bots in Discord. This package use discord API and discord Gateway for handle events or, for example, sending messages. Bot use for different goals; handle information on your server, creating mini games in discord, auto moderation in your discord server and other.

For example, you can reply to message that is sended by any user using this code:

from disspy import Client, Message  # Import package
import os

TOKEN = os.environ["TOKEN"]
client = Client(TOKEN)  # Create a client

@client.on_message("create")  # On message create
async def on_messagec(message: Message):  # message - sended message
    await message.reply("Hello!")  # Reply to a message

client.run()  # Run client

Download package

Download latest version (needs pip)

# Windows
pip install -U disspy

# MacOS / Linux
python3 -m pip install -U disspy

Download dev version (needs git and pip)

# Windows
git clone https://github.com/itttgg/dispy.git
cd dispy
pip install -U .

# MacOs / Linux
git clone https://github.com/itttgg/dispy.git
cd dispy
python3 -m pip install -U .


https://github.com/itttgg/dispy - GitHub repo

https://pypi.org/project/disspy - Project site on PyPi

https://disspy.readthedocs.io - Site with docs for package

https://discord.gg/QsE5DSQrsx - Discord server