
django-amorphous unlocks the power of JsonField

django, json, JsonField, amorphous
pip install django-amorphous==0.5


django-amorphous unlocks the power of JsonField

Main Features

django-amorphous allows you to store data that you would normally need to create models for and run migrations against, if there are changes are made to their structure, in a single JsonField.

Amorphous makes this possible by defining a data structure that stores the fields type and data, as well as any kwargs that are used to instantiate the field.

An example:

the code:

# First import the class generator
>>> from amorphous.forms import amorphous_gen

# Than define the structure of the data
>>> json_data = {
        'first': [
                'initial': True,
                'required': False}, ],
        'second': [
            {'initial': 'This is a test'}]}

Finally generate the form class from there you have two choices: create an instance of that class or create a form with initial values set with data from the DB:

>>> form_class = amorphous_gen(amorphous=json_data)
>>> form_instance = form_class()
# Using data from object in DB.
# This creates a form class where the initial values are the values stored
# in the DB
# Note: the form is not bound
>>> form_instance = amorphous_gen(obj.field)
# this is usefull when dealing with post and get methods

To store the data, in the format expected by amorphous use the db_amorphous form method:

>>> for_db = form.db_amorphous()

save the object after setting the attribute, where amorphous_field is the name of the field that holds the amorphous data on the model:


amorphous contains a CBV, AmorphousView that takes the name of the JsonField that you wish to store the amorphous data into amorphous_field and also expects the model attribute to be set:

>>> view = AmorphousView.as_view(

This view takes care of displaying, validating and saving the form as expected and certain methods can be overridden to add or remove functionality like in any CBV.


running tests:

# just amorphous' tests
$ test amorphous
# amorphous' tests and your tests
$ test . amorphous

The possibilities

With this package, you can store different schemas in the same field. Lets say that one of the data structures you have been storing has changed but only new data uses the new schema and the old data doesn't need a migration.

Since the Form class is generated on the fly and assuming no restraints are applied to the JsonField to be used amorphously, the Form can adapt depending on what version is being used. Consider how the form structure is stored, because of this, the behavior of having multiple schemas per amorphous field comes nearly free.

In the real world, this can be used to create a tag, category, or even a language translation system. Since for this apps you would need to add or remove items to them dynamically, and a schema binded implementation would make their implementation difficult. However with an amorphous field, they become trivial.