
A Django app to get analytics data from Google Analytics and save them in other django app models

pip install django-analytics-kits==0.1



Analytics kits is a Django app to get analytics data from Google Analytics and save them in a model. It can be used for generating models to record information such as most visited pages in a given period.

Quick start

  1. Install the package:

    # For Ubuntu it requires libffi-dev to be installed on the system.
    # sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
    pip install django-analytics-kits
  2. Add "analytics_kits" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

  3. Run the migration command to create account model:

    python migrate
  4. Define your Google Analytics API service account and private_key in the Django admin section of the Analytics Kits.

    If you want to know more about how to generate a private_key and a google service account you can have a look into this link: This service account should have read access to the google analytic view you want to get the information for.

  5. Create a model in your app to record the analytics results. This model should be inherited from analytics_kits.models.AnalyticsResult:

    from analytics_kits.models import AnalyticsResult
    class MostPopular(AnalyticsResult):
  6. Use analytics_kits.models.AnalyiticsKitsMixin Mixin for every content type you want get the analytics results for:

    from django.db import models
    from analytics_kits.models import AnalyiticsKitsMixin
    class Article(models.Model, AnalyiticsKitsMixin):
        # model fields
        # get_absolute_url method should be defined for this model
  7. set a Cron job for the management commands analytics_results to connect to google analytics API and update your app model:

    python analytics_results --app YOUR_APP_NAME --model YOUR_MODEL_NAME --view VIEW_ID --account ACCOUNT_NAME
    # YOUR_APP_NAME: Name of the application that you created your content models inside
    # YOUR_MODEL_NAME: Name of the inherited model from `AnalyticsResult`
    # VIEW_ID: Google Analytics View ID
    # ACCOUNT_NAME: The name you defined for the account on the django admin