
App for better API management.

python, django
pip install django-common-api==1.3.0


Django App For managing API Driven Apps.

The app contains models following models for making development easier

  • Available Models

    • AbstractBaseModel same as django's default django.db.models.Model but contains additional methods and fields.

      • field creation_date: Stores creation date of the object.
      • field update_date: Stores last update date of the object.
      • method set_request || set_request(self, request: HttpRequest): Sets request object in model so that it used be used internally or by inherited models. Request object is stored in _request which can be accessed through get_request().
      • method get_request || get_request(self): Gets request object in model so that it used be used internally or by inherited models.
      • method humanized_creation_date || humanized_creation_date(self): Gets creation_date as 3 days ago, hour ago etc.
      • method humanized_update_date || humanized_update_date(self): Gets update_date as 3 days ago, hour ago etc.
      • method is_new || is_new(self): returns True if the object is being created. returns False if the object is being updated.
      • method get_fields || get_fields(self, as_list=False, include_parents=True, include_hidden=False) -> (dict, list): returns name of fields as dict, if passed as_list=False, then list will be returned.
      • method serialize || serialize(self, fields: dict = None, exclude: iter = None, format_: str = "json") -> dict: returns model data in provided format, available format: ["json"] (Other format support will be added soon).
      • method get_excluded_fields || get_excluded_fields(self) : Override this method to return excluded fields, these fields will never be included when using serialize, even if field name is passed.
      • Please refer to docstrings and comments for more info.
    • AbstractBaseUUIDModel contains all features of AbstractBaseModel except primary key datatype is changed to UUID.

      • field id: same as django model default pk, except default=uuid.uuid4 is set for creating unique value by default.
    • AbstractBaseSlugModel contains all features of AbstractBaseModel in addition slug field is added.

      • constant field SLUG_FROM_FIELD: field provided will be used for creating slug by default, random hex value will be appended at the end.
      • field slug: stores slug for the object, will be auto generated if not set using SLUG_FROM_FIELD value.
      • method get_slug_value || get_slug_value(self): is used internally to get slug value, override this if you wish to change how slug is formed. Slug must be unique
    • AbstractBaseSlugUUIDModel contains all features of AbstractBaseModel, AbstractBaseUUIDModel and AbstractBaseSlugModel.

  • Available Forms

    • JsonModelForm same as django's django.forms.ModelForm, But contains additional features and accepts optional request as keyword argument when initializing the form.

      • method pre_init || pre_init(self): override this method to run code after the form is initialized.
      • method post_init || post_init(self): override this method to run code before the form is initialized.
      • method get_request || get_request(self): Gets the request object. If not set ValueError will be raised.
      • method set_request || set_request(self, request): Sets the request object.
      • method get_errors || get_errors(self, format_="json"): Gets error in the format specified, for now supports JSON only.
      • method set_field_attr || set_field_attr(self, fields: list, attr: str, value=None): Sets field attribute in bulk, set_field_attr(self, fields: list, attr: str, value=None); value will be set to the each field's attr.
      • method make_fields_required || def make_fields_required(self, fields): Makes provided fields required.