
django-counter-cache-field makes it extremely easy to denormalize and keep track of related model counts.

pip install django-counter-cache-field==0.1.0



It is sometimes useful to cache the total number of objects associated with another object through a ForeignKey relation. For example the total number of comments associated with an article.

django-counter-field makes it easy to denormalize and keep such counters up to date.

Quick start

  1. Install django-counter-field:

    pip install django-counter-cache-field
  2. Add "django_counter_field" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:

  3. Add a CounterCacheField to your model:

    from django_counter_field import CounterCacheField
    class Article(models.Model):
        comment_count = CounterCacheField()
  4. Connect the related foreign key field with the counter field in your signals:

    connect_counter('comment_count', Comment.article)

Whenever a comment is created the comment_count on the associated Article will be incremented. If the comment is deleted, the comment_count will be automatically decremented.


Creating a new counter requires three simple steps:

  1. Add a CounterCacheField field to the parent model.
  2. Add the CounterMixin mixin to the child model.
  3. Use connect_counter to connect the child model with the new counter.

Most counters are simple in the sense that you want to count all child objects. Sometimes, however, objects should be counted based on one or several conditions. For example you may not wish to count all comments on an article but only comments that have been approved. You can create conditional counters by providing a third is_in_counter_func argument to connect_counter:

connect_counter('comment_count', Comment.article, lambda comment: comment.is_approved)

The is_in_counter_func function will be called with Comment objects and must return True if the given comment should be counted. It must not concern itself with checking if the comment is deleted or not, django-counter-field does that by default.


Often you will add a CounterCacheField to a model that already has a large number of associated objects. When a counter is created, it's value is initialized to zero. This value is likely incorrect. django-counter-field provides a couple of management commands that allow you to rebuild the value of a counter:

  1. List all available counters:

    $ python list_counters

  2. Rebuild a counter using one of the counter names given by list_counters:

    $ python rebuild_counter <counter_name>

Note: The rebuild_counter management command will only update counters on objects that have at least one child object. For example articles with at least one comment. Articles with no comments will not be updated. This is a conscious limitation; the use cases for such a feature seem very limited, if existent at all.


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