
An asynchronous user activity tracking API for Django.

pip install django-djaffar==0.1.6


Djaffar: asynchronous user activity tracking for Django

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Want to keep track of what your users do even when they don't hit the server? Set up Djaffar on the server and make a request to the client API to log user activity to the database, including URI path, user name, browser session, IP address and user agent.


  • Django (1.8, 1.9, 1.10)
  • Django Rest Framework (3.3, 3.4, 3.5)


Install with pip:

pip install django-djaffar

Add Djaffar to your project (typically in


Specify the URL that will be used to hit Djaffar (typically in

from django.conf.urls import url, include

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^djaffar/', include('djaffar.urls')),

Make sure the authentication classes you use for your users are specified in the Django Rest Framework settings (typically in


Run the database migration:

$ python migrate djaffar

Client API

When sending a POST request to Djaffar to log activity, you should care about the following properties:

Property name Mandatory Type Format Example Usage
date Yes Form data ISO 8601 2016-12-29T07:35:22.571Z Date and time when the log request is initiated.
path No Form data - users/me/cart/ URL path taken by the user. If not specified, the referer from the request headers (not the referer form data property) will be used in place.
referer No Form data - URL of the page the user comes from (if any).


Basic log

Request Djaffar to log an activity with the current date:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/djaffar/log/', true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
xhr.send('date=' + new Date().toISOString());

URL fragments

If your client app relies on URL fragments for navigation, you'll need to manually set the path parameter when you hit Djaffar:

xhr.send(... + '&path=' + (window.location.href.split('#')[1] || '/'))

User authentication

  • If you use session-based authentication, the cookie is automatically set in the request headers by your browser.
  • But if you use token-based authentication, you'll need to set the token in the request headers, like so:
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer F2naN20HpDv4tsJC0b1OhQZVDwRiEy');

Retrieving activity logs

Logs are stored as instances of the Activity model (in djaffar.models) and have the following properties:

Model field name Description Model field type
user Instance of the User model if authenticated, None otherwise ForeignKey
session User browser session, instance of the Session model ForeignKey
ip_address User IP CharField
date User activity date and time DateTimeField
path User activity path CharField
referer User activity referer CharField

Accessing logs from the Django shell

Djaffar also adds the SessionInfo model, linked to the Session model through a foreign key, with the following properties:

Model field name Description Model field type
user_agent User agent of the browser session CharField

You can get JSON dumps of the activity logs and the session info with Django's standard dumpdata command:

python dumpdata djaffar.Activity --indent=2 > djaffar-activity.json
python dumpdata djaffar.SessionInfo --indent=2 > djaffar-sessioninfo.json


About sessions

Djaffar uses Django sessions to keep track of browser sessions when logging user activity. Depending on settings, sessions either expire when the user closes their browser or after a given age (see Browser-length sessions vs. persistent sessions).

Whether your app uses session-based user authentication or not, Djaffar uses session (and the associated user agent) for two reasons:

  • Allowing you to distinguish between anonymous visitors
  • Allowing you to distinguish between visits by the same authenticated user through various devices


Run tests (tests/ against the supported versions of Python and the required packages, as listed in tox.ini:
