
django-github-s3 is a package for Django to provide beginners a storage backend on github for free.

pip install django-github-s3==0.21




Installing from PyPi:

    $ pip install django-github-s3

Once the installation is done, setup the following in the file.

Include the following package in the INSTALLED_APPS


After including the package setup the following in the

   DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = "github_storages.backend.BackendStorages"
   GITHUB_HANDLE = "Your Github Handle"
   ACCESS_TOKEN = "Your Github Access Token"
   GITHUB_REPO_NAME = "Your New Github Public Repository Name"
   MEDIA_BUCKET_NAME = "Your media bucket name"

For Example:

   DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = "github_storages.backend.BackendStorages"
   GITHUB_HANDLE = "vivekchandrabs"
   ACCESS_TOKEN = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
   GITHUB_REPO_NAME = "Example-Test-Repo"
   MEDIA_BUCKET_NAME = "media"

Here is a video on how to get the GitHub Access Token

If you are using ImageField or FileField upload_to parameter can be specified for better organization of files.

   photo = models.ImageField(upload_to="pics/", null=True, blank=True)


django-github-s3 is a project to provide beginners a storage backend on github for free.

Since other simple-storage-services requires credit-card information to setup an account and get started. There is a lot of traction in between for the beginners.

Therefore django-github-s3 helps beginners to store the media files on github with very less number of steps required in the initial setup.

Found a Bug? Something Unsupported?

Issues are tracked via GitHub issues at the project issue page.


  1. Check for open issues at the project issues page or open a new issues to start a discussion about a feature or bug
  2. Fork the django-github-s3 repository on GitHub to start making changes in your own branch.

Warning !!!

The github repository that you have to create should be public. Storing any confidential information is not recommended.

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