
A basic Django app for using Gitolite

pip install django-gitolite==0.1.5


Django Gitolite

A basic Django app for using Gitolite


By default the Gitolite rc file is ~/.gitolite.rc. Follow these steps:

  1. Add LOCAL_CODE => "$ENV{HOME}/local", to the rc file.
  2. Create ~/local/triggers/post-compile/django, it should be executable and call the gitolitetrigger management command.
  3. Create ~/local/hooks/common/post-receive, it should be executable and call the gitolitehook management command.
  4. Add POST_COMPILE => ['post-compile/django'], to the rc file.
  5. Add POST_CREATE => ['post-compile/django'], to the rc file.
  6. Add SSH_AUTHKEYS => ['post-compile/ssh-authkeys'], to the rc file.

This is an example post-compile/django script:

source ~/virtualenv/bin/activate
export PYTHONPATH=~/site
python ~/site/ gitolitetrigger $@

This is an example post-receive script:

source ~/virtualenv/bin/activate
export PYTHONPATH=~/site
python ~/site/ gitolitehook $@

Running as another user

This configuration requires sudo and the current user to be in the same group as the gitolite user's default group. Be sure to set GITOLITE_USER properly in your file.

As the gitolite user, open ~/.gitolite.rc and add UMASK => 0027,. This is required to be able to read gl-creator and gl-forked-from files in the repositories. Next, ensure that the key directory, ~/.gitolite/keydir exists and is writable by the current user. Files in this directory need to be readable by the gitolite user, to ensure that files are created belong to the gitolite user's default group use chmod g+rwxs ~/.gitolite/keydir.

Note in this example I recommend you change post-compile/django to something like:

sudo -n -u site-eyl /srv/site-eyl/bin/manage gitolitetrigger $@

Also, change post-receive to something like:

sudo -n -u site-eyl /srv/site-eyl/bin/manage gitolitehook $@

Next, you need to setup sudo so the gitolite user can use it to run Gitolite triggers. Insert the following line into /etc/sudoers:

%git ALL=(git)NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/gitolite trigger SSH_AUTHKEYS

Below is the following I use on my server:

Defaults: site-eyl env_keep += "GL_USER"
%git ALL=(git)NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/gitolite trigger SSH_AUTHKEYS,/usr/bin/gitolite list-phy-repos,/usr/bin/gitolite access *,/usr/bin/gitolite D *

Defaults:git env_keep += "GL_REPO GL_USER GL_BYPASS_ACCESS_CHECKS"
git ALL=(site-eyl) NOPASSWD: /srv/site-eyl/bin/manage gitolitehook,/srv/site-eyl/bin/manage gitolitetrigger *


All code is licensed under AGPL v3.