
Define content fragments in Django templates and store their contents in the database. This is yet another take on the idea previously implemented in django-flatblocks, django-chunks etc.

pip install django-grains==0.1.1



This reusable Django app lets you store snippets of text ("grains") in the database keyed by arbitrary strings. It's the same idea implemented previously in django-chunks, django-flatblocks, django-tinycontent and others.


Install with pip install django-grains.

Add grains to INSTALLED_APPS in your project's Django settings.

Run syncdb or migrate (if you're using South) to create the database tables.

In your templates, create placeholders for grains:

{% load grains_tags %}

{% grain "front-page-title" %}The default title of the front page{% endgrain %}

{% grain "front-page-subtitle" "text/plain" %}The default subtitle of the front page{% endgrain %}

{% grain "front-page-content" "text/html" %}
    <p>This is the default HTML content of the front page.</p>
{% endgrain %}

The first argument to {% grain %} is the unique identifier of the grain. The second argument is the content type which could be used to choose the editor widget for the value in Django's admin interface. The second argument can be omitted in which case it defaults to text/plain.

A WYSIWYG editor is automatically used in the admin interface for grains with the text/html content type, if you have django-wysiwyg installed and added to INSTALLED_APPS.