
Highly extensible Dependency injection framework for humans. Django integration

dependency-injection, django, inversion-of-control, python, python3
pip install django-hexdi==0.2.0a1



This is the project that integrates hexdi framework into Django.

Visit github page of hexdi project for use-cases and instructions.

Created for using with django-based applications.


pip install django-hexdi

Keep in mind that we really recommend to use the same version of hexdi that django-hexdi has


First step is to add djhexdi to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.

Imagine next project tree:


File contains service class declarations and "interfaces".

File contains implementations of services stored in and binded using hexdi calls.,, and so on use interfaces and inject these interfaces implementations using hexdi injections.

So, there are several ways to set up hexdi on Django for static or automatic implementations loading:

Dummy strategy

This is the default strategy that does nothing on application startup. You really should use something other!

HEXDI_STRATEGY = 'djhexdi.strategy.Dummy'

Static strategy

This is the simplest and static strategy of implementations discovery using modules list that contain bindings.

Use next setting to set up this strategy:

HEXDI_STRATEGY = 'djhexdi.strategy.Static'

Use the special setting to provide dotted path of modules where bindings are presented:


You can specify a module that contains this list:

HEXDI_MODULE = '__hexdi__'

Use this discovery when you are sure that there is no other place with bindings and your dependency modules don't use hexdi, so on.

Fully automatic strategy

This is the dynamic strategy of modules finding which works on application startup.

Use next setting to set up this strategy:

HEXDI_STRATEGY = 'djhexdi.strategy.Auto'

By default, hexdi will search in packages that presented in INSTALLED_APPS. But, you can also specify your special packages for searching using following setting:


You can also specify a static modules to load it additionally if it is needed:


And you can specify a number of modules that should be excluded from loading:


Use this strategy if you can rely on module-finder or your dependencies are using hexdi, or something.

But keep in mind that this strategy may slowdown your application startup if you have a huge number of modules/dependencies.

Pre-build automatic discovery with static loading

This is the best configuration for application that has a build process or same thing.

Workflow explanation

Build process:

  1. requirements installation
  2. other build activities (migrations, caching, template building, etc.)
  3. modules automatic discovery and storing results in py-file artifact

Run application:

  1. application start
  2. pre-searched artifact loading with modules list on application startup process

Setup Django project

Define setting for using static strategy:

HEXDI_STRATEGY = 'djhexdi.strategy.Static'

Define a file where discovered modules will be stored:

HEXDI_MODULE = '__hexdi__'

The best way is to use __hexdi__ as HEXDI_MODULE value.

By default, hexdi will search in packages that presented in INSTALLED_APPS. But, you can also specify your special packages for searching using following setting:


You can also define modules that should be loaded additionally


Set up build step

Use the special command for modules automatic discovery

If you have configured your Django project with HEXDI_MODULE setting then you can just apply following command:

python di_find --auto

If you want to specify some other module, just use -m option:

python di_find -m other.module.path --auto

--auto option is used for automatic creation of packages tree if not exists.

Use this strategy when you have too much dependencies to store all modules manually and if you have build process with controllable build steps. That configuration allows you to have fully automatic discovery once while build process and then quick application startup with cached module paths.

All supported settings

List of built-in settings and it's description

  • HEXDI_STRATEGY - Strategy for DI container bindings discovery used on application startup. Should be inherited from djhexdi.strategy.AbstractStrategy class. Default value djhexdi.strategy.Dummy;
  • HEXDI_FINDER_PACKAGES - A list of packages(dotted paths). By default uses INSTALLED_APPS modules list. Used by Automatic strategy and di_find management command;
  • HEXDI_MODULES_LIST - A list of modules(dotted paths) that should be loaded on application startup. Used by Static strategy and Automatic strategy;
  • HEXDI_EXCLUDE_MODULES - A list of modules that should be excluded from module-loading. Used by Static loading and Automatic loading;
  • HEXDI_MODULE_LIST_NAME - A name of variable with modules list that should be presented in module(HEXDI_MODULE setting). Used by Static strategy and di_find management command;
  • HEXDI_MODULE - A module path(dotted path) that contains a variable(name stores in HEXDI_MODULES_LIST_NAME) with list of module paths(dotted paths). Used by Static strategy, Automatic strategy, and di_find management command.
  • HEXDI_LOADER - A string contained dotted path to a class that will be used as module loader. Default value hexdi.loader.BasicLoader
  • HEXDI_FINDER - A string contained dotted path to a class that will be used as module finder. Default value hexdi.finder.RecursiveRegexFinder

Custom strategy

If you have some other vision of startup loading strategy, then you are able to implement it.

Check module djhexdi.strategy for useful abstract classes and functions:

  • function load_modules loads found or specified modules. Accepts modules list(dotted paths) as a first argument and modules to exclude(dotted paths) as a second argument. Uses loader specified in HEXDI_LOADER setting;
  • function find_modules discover modules. Accepts packages list(dotted paths) to find as a single argument. Uses finder specified in HEXDI_FINDER setting;
  • class AbstractStrategy is a very base abstract class that provides method go without arguments for doing some module-load staff on application startup. All other strategies should be inherited from that class.
  • class AbstractLoadModulesStrategy is an abstract strategy inherited from AbstractStrategy and provides implemented method go and 2 other methods: discover_modules - abstract method that should return a modules list, get_excluded_modules - already implemented method that returns a list presented in HEXDI_EXCLUDE_MODULES setting.
  • class Static is a ready-to-go strategy inherited from AbstractLoadModulesStrategy with implemented behaviour of static modules list(HEXDI_MODULES_LIST) loading and module loading(HEXDI_MODULE). You can inherit from that class and extend static loading with some other staff.
  • class Auto is a ready-to-go strategy inherited from Static strategy and extended it with automatic discovery of modules to load.

Check module hexdi.utils for useful functions