
Translate URL patterns and prefix URLs with language-code.

pip install django-i18nurls==0.5


Django URL internationalization

This Django app makes it possible to prefix URL patterns with the active language and to make URL patterns translatable by using gettext. As well this package contains a middleware which is able to activate the right language (based on the language-prefix in the requested URL).


During the DjangoCon EU 2011 sprints, I wrote a patch for including this functionality into the Django core. This patch was accepted and will be included in Django 1.4 (thanks to Jannis Leidel and Russell Keith-Magee for their feedback and reviewing the patch).

Django documentation: Internationalization: in URL patterns.

Translating URL patterns

After installing this package, URL patterns can also be marked translatable using the ugettext_lazy() function. Example:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, include, url
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from i18nurls.i18n import i18n_patterns

urlpatterns = patterns(''
    url(r'^sitemap\.xml$', 'sitemap.view', name='sitemap_xml'),

news_patterns = patterns(''
    url(r'^$', 'news.views.index', name='index'),
    url(_(r'^category/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$'), 'news.views.category', name='category'),
    url(r'^(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$', 'news.views.details', name='detail'),

urlpatterns += i18n_patterns('',
    url(_(r'^about/$'), 'about.view', name='about'),
    url(_(r'^news/$'), include(news_patterns, namespace='news')),

After you've created the translations, the reverse() function will return the URL in the active language. Example:

from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils.translation import activate

>>> activate('en')
>>> reverse('news:category', kwargs={'slug': 'recent'})

>>> activate('nl')
>>> reverse('news:category', kwargs={'slug': 'recent'})

Reversing in templates

If localized URLs get reversed in templates they always use the current language. To link to a URL in another language use the language template tag. It enables the given language in the enclosed template section:

{% load i18nurls i18n %}

{% get_available_languages as languages %}

{% trans "View this category in:" %}
    {% for lang_code, lang_name in languages %}
        {% language lang_code %}
            <a href="{% url category slug=category.slug %}">{{ lang_name }}</a>
        {% endlanguage %}
{% endfor %}

See also: Reversing in templates.


  • Install the django-i18nurls package (eg: pip install django-i18nurls).
  • Add i18nurls to your settings.INSTALLED_APPS.
  • Add i18nurls.middleware.LocaleMiddleware to your settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES (make sure it comes before the CommonMiddleware).


v0.7.1 (in development)

  • Templates for testing added to package.


  • {% language %} template-tag implemented (thanks to Harro van der Klauw).
  • LocaleMiddleware class is not patched anymore (Issue #3).
  • i18n_patterns is not patched anymore.
  • Trailing slash is now optional in LocaleMiddleware regex.


  • templates and locale folder added to script (Issue #1).


  • API changed so it will match with i18n_patterns in upcoming Django 1.4 release.


  • Some README errors corrected.


  • Some code cleanup.


  • Initial release.