
Simple Django app to facilitate "liking" of any content type.

pip install django-likeable==v0.0.1



Adds "liking" functionality which aims to be scale-friendly (see django-nonrel) by favouring abstract classes instead of direct class inheritance when facilitating liking. Allows liking of any model registered with the contenttypes framework.

Note that this app is not yet tested at scale, but will be at some point in the near future. In the meantime, it simply adds "liking" functionality to your models.

Quick Installation

  1. Add the django-likeable app to your Python path.
  2. Add likeable to your list of INSTALLED_APPS in your project settings.
  3. Create your likeable model:
from likeable import Likeable
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

class BlogEntry(Likeable):

    author = models.ForeignKey(User)
    content = models.TextField()
    created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

class BlogEntryComment(Likeable):

    entry = models.ForeignKey(BlogEntry)
    author = models.ForeignKey(User)
    content = models.TextField()
    created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

Liking Content Manually

You can use the provided function to automatically like a particular object by a given user, such as:

from likeable import Like
from models import BlogEntry, BlogEntryComment
from django.contrib.auth.models import User


# harry posts a blog entry
harry = User.objects.create(username='harry')
blog_entry = BlogEntry.objects.create(author=harry, content="This is my first post.")


# sally likes the blog entry
sally = User.objects.create(username='sally')

Liking Content Via Provided Views

Make sure your project's file looks something like this:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, include, url

urlpatterns = patterns('',

    # ...

    # add django-likeable's urls
    url(r'^like/', include('likeable.urls')),

    # ...

Enabled URLs


Auto-detects whether a request comes in via a plain GET request or an AJAX request, and handles it according to the following two views.


Attempts to like the object whose content type ID is <content_type_id> and primary key is <object_id> (both positive integers). This function automatically attempts to redirect the user to the referring URL after liking the given object. If no object matching the given criteria is found, an HTTP 404 error will be generated.


Attempts to like the object whose content type ID is <content_type_id> and primary key is <object_id> (both positive integers). This function returns a JSON object of the format {'success': true} upon success. If no object matching the given criteria is found, an HTTP 404 error will be generated.

Other Batteries Included


obj must be any object registered with the contenttypes framework. On success, this shortcut function will return a tuple containing first the content type ID primary key as well as the object's primary key, which can then simply be passed to one of the django-likeable views.