
Django Model Choices provides a neat and DRY way to specify the `choices` option for a Django models and forms.

pip install django-model-choices==1.0.0


Django Model Choices

Django Model Choices (DMC) provides a convenient and DRY way to specify the choices option for a Django model field.


from modelchoices import Choices

class AnimalChoices(Choices):
    MAMMAL = ('m', 'a mammal')
    BIRD = ('b', 'a bird')
    REPTILE = ('r', 'a reptile')

The value of each choice must be a tuple containing a value for the database and a user readable value.

An extra attribute CHOICES is generated 'magically'. This can be used in the Model's Field definition.

class Animal(models.Model):
    phylum = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=AnimalChoices.CHOICES)

The variables MAMMAL, BIRD and REPTILE can be used to programmatically represent the choice values. Once the class is created, their values are no longer a tuples, but only the database fields (so AnimalChoices.MAMMAL is equal to 'm'). So you can do

animal = Animal()
animal.phylum = AnimalChoices.MAMMAL