
Django class based views for using more than one Form in a single view.

pip install django-multi-form==1.0


Django Multi Form

Django class based views for using more than one Form in a single view.


$ pip install django-multi-form

For usage django-multi-form, you can usage mixin to create the required class, e.x.:

from django.views.generic.base import TemplateView

from multi_form.mixin import MultiFormMixin

class YourView(MultiFormMixin, TemplateView):


or use ready-make classes:

from multi_form.generic import MultiFormView, DetailMultiFormView, ListMultiFormView


Add/output forms

Add forms to the dict form_classes, where the key is the form name, and the value is the form class:

form_classes = {'my_form': FirstFormClass,
                'my_form_second': SecondFormClass}

In template for output forms usage:

{{ form_my_form }}

{{ form_my_form_second }}

Validation forms

By default, in the case of validation, there is the method:

def general_valid_form(self, form):
   return self.redirect_to_success_url()

else there is the error output to the template, i.y.:

def general_invalid_form(self, form):
    data = self.get_context_data(**{'form_' + self.form_name: form})
    return self.render_to_response(data)

To change this behavior, in the processing form.valid use form_valid_my_form(self, form):

def form_valid_my_form(self, form):

and form_invalid_my_form(self, form) for form.invalid:

def form_invalid_my_form(self, form):

Fill out the form

If you want to fill out the form, use the dict form_initials, where the key is the form name, and the value is the dict, in which the key is field name, and the value is the field value.

form_initials = {'my_form': {'first_name': 'Denis', 'city': 'Moscow'},
                 'my_form_second': {'phone': '+799999999'}}

Or define a special method get_initials_form_my_form(self), and return the data dictionary.

Update the object

If you need to update the object, use dict form_instances, where the key in the form name, and the value is the object.

You can also define a special method get_instances_form_my_form(self).

Redirect to success url

By default, if form proccesing is successful it will be redirected to the same page. You can change this behavior, by writting a new key and value in the dict form_success_urls. You can also use a special method get_success_url_form_my_form(self) to procces the redirect site.