
A Django app to easily generate navigation and breadcrumbs

pip install django-multinavigation==1.2



Goal: A simple, flexible and DRY way to define and create navigations (tabnavigation and breadcrumbs).

Quick start

  1. Add app to

  2. Be sure all urlpatterns to be used on the navigation are named-patterns, because the name will be used as a key for the nodes. Also, for the correct active status for children and all their parents, the urls must be nested.

    Example: /animals/, /animals/dogs/, /animals/dogs/<some_name>

  3. Define your nodes in a context processor.

    A Node is defined like this:

    Node = namedtuple('Node', 'url_name label parent context')
    """ Represents a node or item in a navigation
    url_name    -- (string) The name of a named-urlpattern
    label       -- (string) The label to be used in the item
    parent      -- (string) the url_name of its parent or ''. Extra kwargs to be
                    met on the parent may be defined through: 
    context     -- (dict, optional) Contains extra context for the items, to be
                    used on the templates (if needed) for customization purposes.
    Simple example:
    urlpatterns = [
        url(r'^home/$', 'home_view', name='home'),
        url(r'^company/$', 'company_view', name='company'),
        url(r'^media/$', 'company_media', name='media'),
        url(r'^media/news$', 'company_news', name='news'),
        url(r'^media/videos$', 'company_videos', name='videos'),
        url(r'^contact/$', 'contact_view', name='contact'),
    from multinavigation.conf import Node
    def multinavigation(request):
        return {
            'MULTINAV_NODES': [
                Node('home', _('Home'), '', {}),
                Node('company', _('Company'), '', {}),
                Node('media', _('Media'), '', {}),
                Node('news', _('News'), 'media', {}),
                Node('videos', _('Videos'), 'media', {}),
                Node('contact', _('Contact'), '', {}),
    More complex routes (with kwargs)

    If there are routes using named parameters, then you can specify the expected kwargs from the request in the node's context {'url_kwargs': ...}.

    Also, if using kwargs on nodes with children, then the children can specify their parent url with url parameters which must be matched on the parent by the format: parent_url|kwarg1:value,kwarg2:value


    urlpatterns = [
        url(r'^home/$', 'home_view', name='home'),
        url(r'^animals/$', 'animals_view', name='animals'),
        url(r'^animals/(?P<category>[a-z]+)/$', 'animals_category_view', name='animals_category'),
        url(r'^animals/(?P<category>[a-z]+)/(?P<name>[a-z]+)/$', 'pet_view', name='pet'),
        url(r'^contact/$', 'contact_view', name='contact'),
    from multinavigation.conf import Node
    def multinavigation(request):
        return {
            'MULTINAV_NODES': [
                Node('home', 'Home', '', {}),
                Node('animals', 'Animals', '', {}),
                # define the kwargs expected on the request in the node's context: 
                # {'url_kwargs': 'kwarg1:val1,kwarg2:val2...'}
                Node('animals_category', 'Dogs', 'animals', {'url_kwargs': 'category:dogs'}),
                Node('animals_category', 'Cats', 'animals', {'url_kwargs': 'category:cats'}),
                Node('animals_category', 'Birds', 'animals', {'url_kwargs': 'category:birds'}),
                Node('animals_category', 'Monkeys', 'animals', {'url_kwargs': 'category:monkeys'}),
                Node('contact', 'Contact', '', {}),
    Dynamically setting parameters from the routes:

    Sometimes it's necessary to 'fill' kwargs which are dynamically set on runtime. In this case, we can set a placeholder that will be autocompleted from the request's kwargs, if all other parameters match and the paramter is present on the kwargs.


    Let's say we have an archive with news and pics as subnav items. Now depending if we're on /archive/2014/ we want the subnav items set to /archive/2014/news/ and /archive/2014/pics/ respectively.

        url(r'^archive/(?P<year>[0-9]{4})/$', 'archive', name='archive_year'),
        url(r'^archive/(?P<year>[0-9]{4})/news$', 'archive_news', name='archive_news'),
        url(r'^archive/(?P<year>[0-9]{4})/pics$', 'archive_pics', name='archive_pics'),
    from multinavigation.conf import Node
    # We define the nodes in the subnav like this:
    def multinavigation(request):
        Node('archive_news', _('News'), 'archive', {'url_kwargs': 'year:'}),
        Node('archive_pics', _('Pictures'), 'archive', {'url_kwargs': 'year:'}),
  4. Add your context_processor in, e.g.

    NOTE: Be sure you have django.core.context_processors.request included in your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS as well. This will add a request context varialble in your templates, which you must pass as the first parameter to the multinavigation template tags.

    Add the following lines to add the processors to the defaults in

    import django.conf.global_settings as DEFAULT_SETTINGS
  5. Define your template(s), you can also just use or customize the example-templates provided.

  6. You're ready to render the templatetags!

    If we take the urlpatterns and MULTINAV_NODES from our first example above, and the active URL is /media/videos/, the rendered templatetags (depending on the templates you define) could look something like this:

    {% load multinavigation %}
    {% tabnavigation request MULTINAV_NODES %}
       <li class="active">Media
               <li class="active">Videos</li> 
    {% flatnavigation request MULTINAV_NODES %}
       <li class="active">Media</li> 
    {% subnavigation request MULTINAV_NODES %}
        <li class="active">Videos</li> 
    {% breadcrumbs request MULTINAV_NODES %}
    <div>Media / Videos</div>