
Time user page visits

pip install django-pagetimer==0.2.0


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Simple but effective endpoint for tracking users' time spent on pages.


Often, we have clients ask to see metrics on how long users spent on each page of the application. Tracking that properly in the wild is actually really difficult and comes with a lot of caveats (eg, we can tell if they have the browser open to the page, but not that someone is actually looking at it; they may have wandered off with the tab open).

This library provides a django app that implements a simple, but surprisingly effective approach to solving that problem in the general case.

At its core, there's a templatetag that inserts a bit of JS (with no dependencies) that just does a heartbeat back to an endpoint once every 60s (configurable). The backend endpoint stores an entry with username, session id, ipaddress, path, and a timestamp. From there, reports can be generated and timelines reconstructed with a reasonable accuracy (commensurate with the amount of effort required to implement).

Much more accurate and complex approaches can be taken, but in my experience, this is good enough to drop in quickly and get started. It creates one DB entry per user per minute by default, which is unlikely to blow up your database usage too quickly. The approach encourages you to just pull down CSVs for offline processing. Once you've been using something like this for a while, you may have a better idea of where you need more precision in your tracking, but this will help you get there.


$ pip install django-pagetimer

Then add pagetimer to your INSTALLED_APPS and include ('pagetimer/', include('pagetimer.urls')), in you

Next, in your base.html, include {% load pagetimertags %} and, preferably near the end of the <head>, insert a {% pagetimer %}.

Now, anytime a user is on any page of your site, their browser will ping the pagetimer endpoint once every 60s and it will log it.

You can set PAGETIMER_INTERVAL to the number of seconds between heartbeats. Default is 60 seconds.

By default, all visits are kept until they are manually purged. This is probably a bad idea if you get much traffic and aren't actively monitoring DB size. So pagetimer includes two different retention policies that you can enable:

PAGETIMER_MAX_RETENTION_INTERVAL can be set to a datetime.timedelta. Any entries further back than that will automatically be dropped. Eg:

from datetime import timedelta

Will drop entries after a week.

PAGETIMER_MAX_RETENTION_COUNT can be set to a maximum count of entries to keep. This is good as a last-ditch limit. You can set both of them.


  • simple admin dashboard to see recent visits
  • admin view for downloading CSV dumps
  • admin function for clearing out older entries (to free up disk space in the DB)

coming soon

  • js will only heartbeat to the endpoint if the tab is visible (via Page Visibility API)
  • admin view for downloading anonymized CSV dumps (with username, ipaddress anonymized)
  • pluggable backend architecture. The existing DB model will be one (and probably the default) model. A simple textfile appending backend will be added and there will be a nice interface for implementing, eg, an ElasticSearch backend.