
Django app allowing users to set app specific preferences through the admin interface.

django, django-application, python
pip install django-preferences==0.0.1


Django Preferences

Django app allowing users to set app specific preferences through the admin interface.




Provides singleton admin views for Preferences objects and a simple interface to preference values. Singleton views ensure only one preference instance per site is available for each Preferences class.



  1. Python 2.7, 3.5-3.7
  2. Django 1.11, 2.0, 2.1
  3. django.contrib.sites


  1. Install or add django-preferences to your Python path.
  2. Add preferences to your INSTALLED APPS setting.
  3. Add django.contrib.sites to your INSTALLED APPS setting. django-preferences associates preferences to specific sites and thus requires Django's "sites" framework to be installed.
  4. Optionally, add preferences.context_processors.preferences_cp to your template option settings. This will automatically add a preferences variable to your template context:

    TEMPLATES = [{
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [


To create preferences for your app create a Django ORM model as usual, with the model inheriting from preferences.models.Preferences. Also specify preferences.models as your model's module:

from django.db import models
from preferences.models import Preferences

class MyPreferences(Preferences):
    portal_contact_email = models.EmailField()

Admin classes are specified as per usual, except that they have to inherit from or be registered with preferences.admin.PreferencesAdmin, i.e.:

from django.contrib import admin

from preferences.admin import PreferencesAdmin
from <my_app>.models import MyPreferences, PreferencesAdmin)

When your model is registered with admin it will show up under the Preferences app label in Django admin.

Preferences can be accessed in Python by importing the preferences module and traversing to your required preference in the form preferences.<ModelName>.<field>, i.e.:

from preferences import preferences

portal_contact_email = preferences.MyPreferences.portal_contact_email

If you've specified the preferences.context_processors.preferences_cp as a TEMPLATES you can similarly access your preferences within templates through the preferences variable, i.e.:

{{ preferences.MyPreferences.portal_contact_email }}