
Queryset gallery is an interface for creating a gallery that provides pagination and filtering via lookups. It can be useful for getting objects via API.

pip install django-queryset-gallery==0.1.1



Queryset gallery is an interface for creating a gallery that provides pagination and filtering via lookups. It can be useful for getting objects via API.

Table of contents

How to create filters

Every filter inherits from base class QuerySetFilter and include two args: key and lookup. Filters apply via standard method queryset method filter. So, lookup will be used for filtering. key is an id of a filter and it is used when you provide to gallery engine dict with params for filtering. A filter gets param from dict via key.

from queryset_gallery.filters import QuerySetFilter

UserEmail = QuerySetFilter(
UserIsStaff = QuerySetFilter(

How to create a gallery

A base class for a gallery in QuerySetGallery. When you need to create a gallery you provide django model and set QuerySetFilter objects in filters conts:

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from import QuerySetGallery

class UserGallery(QuerySetGallery):
    model = User
    filters = [UserEmail, UserIsStaff]

The gallery has a method get_page. It gets several params like:

def get_page(self, page_number, per_page, filter_params: dict = None, order_by_lookups: list = None, queryset_params=None, queryset=None):

The first and second args are params for paginator. The third arg filter_params is a dict with params for filters. It includes filter keys and params. Also, you can provide source queryset or override method get_queryset, by default all model objects will be used as a source. Also, if there additional params for getting queryset you can provide it via queryset_params. The last arg order_by_lookups is a list of lookups for queryset method order_by(). All lookups from a list will be applied to queryset. Finally the gallery return queryset and dict of pagination data.

gallery = UserGallery()
filter_params = {
    'email': 'admin',
    'is_staff': True,

gallery.get_page(per_page=10, page_number=1, filter_params=params, order_by_lookups=['email'])

How to use simple search

The simple search is a situation then there a list of params list ['Alex', 'Ambassador'] and several fields for filtering, for example, first_name, last_name and nickname. QuerySetGallery supports a simple search via QuerySetSimpleSearch. It's just a filter that can be added to const filters. For the example above QuerySetSimpleSearch create several Django Q objects with a condition OR and execute them. QuerySetSimpleSearch is created in the same way as QuerySetFilter but get a list of lookups instead of one lookup:

from django.contrib.auth.models import User

users = User.objects.all()

UserSimpleSearch = QuerySetSimpleSearch(
UserSimpleSearch.apply(users, ['Alex', 'Ambassador'])

How to work with pagination

You don't need to work with Paginator, because the QuerySetGallery class works with it. The QuerySetGallery has two nuances. If you want to get all objects you can set per_page as -1. This way pagination returns all objects. If per_page and necessary_page are invalid it raises error 404.

Example of the pagination data:

data =  {
    'objects_count': 20,
    'page_number': 2,
    'page_count': 1,
    'per_page': 100,