
A Django models extension to add soft deletion functionality

pip install django-relative-softdeletion==0.0.1



Django Relative SoftDeletion


Django Relative SoftDeletion is a custom made Django plugin which allows you to Soft Delete database values, which means while deleting any data, it will flag the data as deleted but will not remove the data completely from database. And at the time of fetching data from database, you will automatically get filtered result (excluding deleted values).

Another important implementation in this plugin is that it will filter out deleted values also while filtering on reverse relations. It means while using filter() or exclude() function on Foreign fields (reverse relation lookups also), it will not include the deleted data in the result. If you want to include deleted data in filteration process, use all_objects() function instead of objects().


Activate your environment and install the plugin using the command given below:

pip install django-relative-softdeletion


Import the SoftDeletionModel from django_soft_deletion.models and inherit in your Model classes:

For example,

from django_soft_deletion.models import SoftDeletionModel

class Employee(SoftDeletionModel):


Model.objects()...: Return result excluding deleted values

Model.all_objects()...: Return result including deleted values

delete(): Soft delete the item

hard_delete(): Permanent delete the item