
Django migrations without unnecesary change alert triggers.

Softbutterfly, Django, Migrations
pip install django-sb-simple-migrations==0.3.0



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Django Simple Migrations

Django migrations without unnecesary change alert triggers.

This project was originally taken from Pretix source code and battle testet across many projects on SoftButterfly.

This package overrides the commands makemigrations and migrate, mainly to make that makemigrations doesn't create migrations on non-significant database model fields and avoid migrate warnings. As is stated in the source code

  • makemigrations

    Django, for theoretically very valid reasons, creates migrations for every single thing we change on a model. Even the help_text! This makes sense, as we don't know if any database backend unknown to us might actually use this information for its database schema.

    However, many projects only supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB and SQLite and we can be pretty certain that some changes to models will never require a change to the database. In this case, not creating a migration for certain changes will save us some performance while applying them and allow for a cleaner git history. Win-win!

    Only caveat is that we need to do some dirty monkeypatching to achieve it...

  • migrate

    Django tries to be helpful by suggesting to run "makemigrations" in red font on every "migrate" run when there are things we have no migrations for. Usually, this is intended, and running "makemigrations" can really screw up the environment of a user, so we want to prevent novice users from doing that by going really dirty and filtering it from the output.


  • Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10


pip install django-sb-simple-migrations


Just add django_sb_simple_migrations to your INSTALLED_APPS settings

  # ...
  # ...



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