
Contains template tags for mixins (in this case, local-template repeatable functions) and components (a separate file that has slots that can be replaced).

django, template, templatetag, mixin, component, slot
pip install django-template-mixins==0.1.4



A template filter that allows you to define and use mixins.


In your Django project, run:

pip install django-template-mixins

and add mixin_templatetag to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:


and from there you can use it as follows:

{% load mixins %}

{% mixin foo %}
        <div>{{ name }}</div>
        <div>{{ description }}</div>
{% endmixin %}

{% block content %}
{% mix foo with name="hello" description="world" %}
{% endblock %}

If you want to use components instead, note that the feature is EXPERIMENTAL + there is a restriction that components can't extend or include another file.

Here's an example of using components:


    {% slot foo %}
    <div>DEFAULT_FOO{{ some_var }}</div>
    {% endslot %}

    {% slot bar %}
    {% endslot %}


{% component 'component.html' with some_var=':(' %}
    {% slot bar %}
        my way
    {% endslot %}
{% endcomponent %}

Why django-template-mixins?

Currently in Django, if you want to repeat a block multiple times in separate blocks / areas in the same block, you have to create a separate file. The worst part is that these extracted bits of template tend to be single purpose - you aren't likely to need it anywhere else besides that first template.

Mixins allow you to keep things in one place and allows you to avoid DRY.

I added in components (EXPERIMENTALLY) to the mix because it was requested, and after thinking about it for awhile it seemed like a useful feature that I would also want. From my basic tests it seems to work.

Reporting bugs

You can report bugs in

If you believe you've found a bug, please try to identify the root cause and write up some sample code on how to reproduce it.


Benjamin Lei


  • xblitz