
Notifications app for django

pip install django-user-connections==0.0.1


NOTE: This is not stable yet and will likely change! Please don't use in production until the 1.0 release.

Travis CI Code Coverage Version MIT License | Documentation


django-user-connections is a python module written for django that handles user connections.


Install the app:

pip install django-user-connections




Below are some basic examples on how to use django-user-connections:

>>> from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
>>> from django_user_connections.models import UserConnection
>>> User = get_user_model()
>>> user_1 = User.objects.create_user(username='hello')
>>> user_2 = User.objects.create_user(username='world')
>>> conn = UserConnection.objects.create(created_user=user_1,
...                                      with_user=user_2)
>>> conn.status
>>> user_connection = UserConnection.objects.get_for_users(user_1=user_1,
...                                                        user_2=user_2)
>>> conn == user_connection

Extending the UserConnection Model

There are times when a generic 3rd party model doesn't quite give you all the functionality you'd like. Things like project specific settings or adding helper functions like:

def get_absolute_url(...)

This app give you the ability to add a mixin to the UserConnection model to alter it's behavior.

Creating the Model Mixin

Create the mixin you want to apply to the UserConnection model:

# my_user_connection_app/
from django.db import models

class AbstractUserConnectionMixin(models.Model):
    """The abstract user connection model to add functionality to the
    UserConnection's model.

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return reverse('my_user_connection_url_name', args=[])

    def my_new_method(self):
        # do something with the user connection object
        return 'works'

Configuring the Mixin

In your django file, include the USER_CONNECTION_MODEL_MIXIN that points to your user connection model mixin:

USER_CONNECTION_MODEL_MIXIN = 'my_user_connections_app.AbstractUserConnectionMixin'

Using the New Model

Now that the mixin has been created and configured, let's use it:

>>> from django_user_connections.models import UserConnection
>>> n = UserConnection()
>>> n.my_new_method()

Using a Custom Model Manager

There are also times when you want to customize a model manager, but don't want to create another concrete implementation or proxy model. Here's how you extend or override the object manager model.

Creating the Model Manager

Create the manager you want to user for the UserConnection model:

# my_user_connection_app/
from django_user_connections.managers import UserConnectionManager

class MyUserConnectionManager(UserConnectionManager):
    """Manager for overriding the UserConnection's manager."""

    def my_new_manager_method(self):
        return 'works'

Configuring the Manager

In your django file, include the USER_CONNECTION_MANAGER that points to user connection manager you want to use for the project:

USER_CONNECTION_MANAGER = 'my_user_connections_app.managers.MyUserConnectionManager'

Using the New Manager

Now that the manager has been created and configured, let's use it:

>>> from django_user_connections.models import UserConnection
>>> n = UserConnection.objects.my_new_manager_method()

Extend the Model

If all this configuration still isn't to your liking, then you can simply extend the AbstractUserConnection model:

# my_user_connection_app/

from django_user_connections.models import AbstractUserConnection

class MyUserConnection(AbstractUserConnection):
    """Your concrete implementation of the user connection app."""
    # Do your stuff here


From the tests directory where the file is, run:

python test