
A reusable Django app that enables users of your site to tag items. Each user's tags are separated so that the auto-suggest functionality will never suggest tags another user has entered.

django, tagging, ajax, user
pip install django-user-tags==1.1


Django User Tags


A Django application for allowing users to add tags to any object. Each user's tags are nicely separated so that the auto-suggest functionality will never suggest tags that have been entered by a different user (unless you want so).


You need to install the following prerequisites in order to use this app:

pip install Django
pip install South

If you want to install the latest stable release from PyPi:

$ pip install django-user-tags

If you feel adventurous and want to install the latest commit from GitHub:

$ pip install -e git://

Add user_tags to your INSTALLED_APPS:


Don't forget to migrate your database:

./ migrate user_tags

Add jQuery and jQuery UI and tag-it to your base template or at least to the template that should display forms with tag fields:

<script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}user_tags/js/tag-it.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>

Also add a jQuery UI theme and the tag-it theme to your template:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link href="{{ STATIC_URL }}user_tags/css/jquery.tagit.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


First you need to modify the model that should be able to hold tags:

class YourModel(models.Model):
    TAG_FIELDS = {
        'tags': {
            'verbose_name': _('Tags'),
            'help_text': _('Help text'),
            'with_user': True,
        'global_tags': {
            'verbose_name': _('Global Tags'),
            'with_user': False,

TAG_FIELDS is a dictionary of dictionaries. The dictionaries can have the following keys:

  1. key in main dict. This will be the name of the tag group in the database and also the form field's name.
  2. verbose_name. This will be the label of the form field. If not provided it will be the same as name.
  3. help_text. This will be the help text of the form field.
  4. with user. If True, the item that gets tagged must have a ForeignKey to a User object or provide a get_user method. If False we assume that the tags for this item are global.

Next you would create a ModelForm for your taggable model:

from django import forms
from user_tags.forms import UserTagsFormMixin
from your_app.models import YourModel

class YourModelForm(UserTagsFormMixin, forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = DummyModel

The UserTagsFormMixin will do the magic for you and add a form field for every item in TAG_FIELDS on your model. These fields will have a class tagItInput. Additionally the mixin will add a method fieldname_tags_values to the form (for each of your tag fields) which will return the available tags for that field:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
        allowSpaces: true
        ,availableTags: {{ form.fieldname_tags_values|safe }}
        ,caseSensitive: false

This is just a sane set of settings that we like to use. You can of course tweak that to your liking. See the tag-it documentation for further reference.


If for some reason one of your models already has a foreign key to ContentType with a related name of user_tags_tagged_items you can change the related name used by django-user-tags using this setting.

Default: 'user_tags_tagged_items'


If you want to contribute to this project, please perform the following steps:

# Fork this repository
# Clone your fork
$ mkvirtualenv -p python2.7 django-user-tags
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ ./user_tags/tests/
# You should get no failing tests

$ git co -b feature_branch master
# Implement your feature and tests
$ ./user_tags/tests/
# You should still get no failing tests
# Describe your change in the CHANGELOG.txt
$ git add . && git commit
$ git push origin feature_branch
# Send us a pull request for your feature branch

Whenever you run the tests a coverage output will be generated in tests/coverage/index.html. When adding new features, please make sure that you keep the coverage at 100%.

If you are making changes that need to be tested in a browser (i.e. to the CSS or JS files), you might want to setup a Django project, follow the installation insttructions above, then run python develop. This will just place an egg-link to your cloned fork in your project's virtualenv.


Check the issue tracker on github for milestones and features to come.