
A Django app to make voice-bots.

pip install django-voice-bot==0.1



Package for django support bot with speech recognition and voice commands.


To install it, simply: ::

pip install django-voice-bot

Quick start

  1. Add "voice-bot" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this
  1. Include the bot URLconf in your project like this
path('/', include('voice-bot.urls')),
  1. Run python migrate to create the voice-bot models.

  2. To connect the bot to the view, you must specify the decorator @add_bot(bot_name='BOT_NAME') before the view.

  3. Then insert to view template following code

{% include "voice-bot/bot_include.html" %}
  1. Modify your function as follows
    def attached_function(request, **kwargs):
        return render(request, 'your_template_name.html', {"commands": kwargs['commands'],
                                                           "bot_name": kwargs['bot_name']}
  1. Start the development server and visit to create a voice-bot (you'll need the Admin app enabled).

  2. Setup your bot In the admin panel, you need to set the bot's language, name, and messages about successful and unsuccessful command execution.
    Thespeech_full flag will play all trigger phrases for all bot commands when activated.
    Then you need to set commands for the bot.
    description — description of the bot;
    redirect_url — URL that will be redirected to when executing the command, can be global.
    trigger_words - the words that trigger the command must be separated by commas.
    message — the message that will be voiced when the command is executed.
    api_url - link to the url from which data will be uploaded.
    api_flag — when activated, the default message will be replaced with the one received from the API.
    api_header - the header from which the new message will be written.
    request_headers - request headers.