
Django app for easily creating Amazon Alexa Skills

pip install django2-alexa==0.1.1


Django2 app for creating Alexa Skills

Django app for easily creating Amazon Alexa Skills. By Tim Woocker & Malte Mosler

Table of Content

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Getting Started
  3. Settings
  4. Examples
  5. Support

1. Prerequisites

If you're using Apache HTTP Server, use v2.4.10 or later! From Amazon's Docs:

Note: if you are using Apache HTTP Server to host your web service, use version 2.4.10 or later. Earlier versions of Apache HTTP Server send an "unrecognized name" warning if the server is not configured with a ServerName or ServerAlias in the configuration files. This prevents the Alexa service from sending the customer's request to your server. To address this, either upgrade to 2.4.10 or later, or add ServerName / ServerAlias to your server's configuration file.

2. Getting Started

You can use pip to install this app:

pip install django2-alexa

In your django add "django2_alexa" to INSTALLED_APPS:


In your current path create a django app with:

python startapp YourAppName

Import & create the Skill object in your

from django2_alexa.interfaces.alexa import Skill

skill = Skill()

Import the skill in your and add the view to your urlpatterns:

from YourAppName.views import skill

urlpatterns = [
    path('', skill.view)

You can use this library with DEBUG mode on in The amazon server verification for timestamps however will be skipped. This will cause amazon to not accept your skill if you try to publish your skill in DEBUG mode.

Now you are ready to develope your own skill for alexa! You can find a few examples here.

3. Settings

This django app adds some settings to your project:

Name Type Default Description
ALEXA_VERIFY_CONN bool True This setting specifies if every request to an alexa skill should be verified against the amazon servers. This is useful when testing your skill without Amazon's service.

4. Examples

Audio Response

Card Response


5. Support

Twitter: @Tim Woocker @DeemonRider