
A set of django template tools.

pip install django_template_goodies==0.1.2


django template goodies

A set of simple tools that will make your life easier in django templates. Based on great django-classytags library.


  1. Install the package
$> pip install django-template-goodies
  1. put "template_goodies" into INSTALLED_APPS.

Usage: render_with & def_block and use_block

This is sort of macro-like solution allowing you to define base template that looks always the same, and fill just a "block" inside it differently.

Assuming you have partial template person_wrapper.html:

{% load goodies %}
<div class="person-wrapper">
    <div class="first-name">{{ first_name }}</div>
    {% use_block "block" %}

You can use it in following way:

{% load goodies %}
{% render_with "person_wrapper.html" first_name="First" last_name="Last" %}
    {% def_block "block" %}
    <div class="last-name">{{ last_name }}</div>
    {% end %}
{% end %}

This invocation will substitude "{% use_block "block" %}" in person_wrapper.html with the contents within "{% def_block .... %}" and "{% end %}" insidee "render_with". So the outcome of above will be more or less:

<div class="person-wrapper">
    <div class="first-name">First</div>
    <div class="last-name">Last</div>

Another example with tables, table.html:

{% load goodies %}
<table class="{{ opts.table_class }}">
            {% use_block "headers" %}
        {% for row in object_list %}
            {% use_block "row" %}
        {% endfor %}

can be used in following way:

{% render_with "table.html" object_list=people %}{% def_block "headers" %}
    <td>First name</td>
    <td>Last Name</td>
{% end %}{% def_block "row" %}
    <td>{{ forloop.counter }}</td>
    <td>{{ row.first_name }}</td>
    <td>{{ row.last_name }}</td>
    <td>{{ row.age }}</td>
{% end %}{% end %}

Usage: dict

Updates or creates dictionary inside template. You can use all kinds of filters on variable if you need:

{% load goodies %}

{% dict opts name="first"|title %}
{% dict opts last_name="last" %}

{{ opts.first }} - {{ opts.last_name}} || {{ opts.value }}

The outcome will be more or less following:

First - last || first


  • django-classytags
