Another way of using django. Convention over configuration for urls, mako template language support,json response, REST style API, convenient scripts, ...

rest, route, autodiscover, django, djangox, mako
pip install djangox==0.1.10



Another way of using django. Convention over configuration for urls, mako template language, json response, REST style API, convenient scripts, ...

This package was originated from djangox-mako and djangox-route. The namespace package of python sucks, so I integrated two packages into one, and planned to add other features.


djangox supports python 3.x and django >= 1.8 only.

pip install djangox


Django said tying URLs to Python functions is Bad thing. But registering every view functions in is not so cool. Even django admin uses autodiscover, what's the reason we don't use autodiscover for normal view functions?


Register all controller functions to urlpatterns.

url(r'', discover_controllers(your_app.controllers))

Recommended controller directory structure is like this:

  • your_project
    • your_app
      • controllers
    • your_project

def index(request):

def index(request):
def world(request):

def show(request, resource_id):

def great(request, resource_id):

Now urls will be dispatched like these:

  • / -> controllers.init.index(request)
  • /hello -> controllers.hello.index(request)
  • /hello/great -> controllers.hello.great(request)
  • /hello/5 ->, 5)
  • /hello/5/world ->, 5)

You can also use string of package name.

url(r'', discover_controllers('your_app.controllers'))

Other features of django url system are available, too.

url(r'api/', discover_controllers(your_app.controllers))

url above will dispatch /api/hello to hello.index(request)


  • discover_controllers doesn't intercept django's url dispatching. It just registers every controllers to urlconf. So every decorators for django views works fine.

  • I don't like the naming, views. Every other web frameworks are consist of MVC(model, view, controller), but only django uses the concept of model-view-template. The view of MVC and the view of django are different. It's more like controller in MVC, but not exactly same. Django intend template should be dull, and views should supply all data template needed. View in django are abstract layer for view in MVC. However I didn't find any advantages in django's approach, so I prefer MVC. This is why I name the autodiscover function as discover_controllers, not discover_views.

  • As I said above, I don't like powerless template engine in django. I think template should have full functionality as programming language. Therefore I recommend mako rather than django template. With djangox-mako you can use mako easily.


django mako adapter. Now support backend for django template engine (django >= 1.8). Refer to Support for template engines

template loader

Currently djangox.mako supports only app directories loader. You can put template file in your app directory's subdirectory named 'templates', djangox-mako can access that.


see apps config. if you don't specify apps, MakoTemplateEngine will be also applied to django.contrib.admin or other DjangoTemplates based apps.

        'BACKEND': 'djangox.mako.MakoTemplateEngine',
        'DIRS': [],
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [
            'apps': [
        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [],
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [

    'humanize': humanize,
    'localize': localize,
    '_': ugettext,


same as using django template.

def someview(request):
    return render(request, 'dir/file.html', locals())

render_to_response (deprecated in django 1.8)

def someview(request):
    return render_to_response('dir/file.html', locals(), RequestContext(request))

With RequestContext, you can use context variables related to request, such as csrf_token.

how to use django template tags


django template

{% url '' arg1=v1 arg2=v2 %}


${url('', v1, v2)}

django template

{% csrf_token %}

The code above will be rendered as:

<input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="26ec0b9f301f077da66f7aa2d2ae11cd" />	


<input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="${csrf_token}" />

and planning to make the code below possible. Not implemented yet.


django template

{% static 'path/to/style.css' %}




Django settings variable DEFAULT_CHARSET will be used for input & output of templates. if None, 'utf8' will be default.

default context

You can inject default context with django settings MAKO_DEFAULT_CONTEXT. It's dict type. It's also possible to use TEMPLATES config in to provide template context processors.


  • csrf_token_tag()
  • settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG support
  • render_to_string
  • support filesystem loader (settings.TEMPLATE_DIR)
  • any other feature that is supported by django template but not supported by djangox-mako.


common ui template library for web application built on top of bootstrap 4. This templates use mako, not django template.



run import command

./ importapp djangox.apps.bs4tl


The code generated by django forms sucks. bs4tl provides better html code with bootstrap 4.

import using mako namespace

<%namespace name="forms" file="/bs4tl/forms.html" inheritable="True"/>

Generate form tag and tags for all fields in one shot. form is django form.

${forms.form(form, action='/some_url', submit_label='Submit')}

Use your own form tags.

<form class="form" action="/some_url" method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="${csrf_token}">
    % for field in form.hidden_fields():
    % endfor
    % for field in form.visible_fields():
    % endfor
    <input type="submit" value="${submit_label}" class="btn btn-primary">

Just generate one field. label, form widget tag(like input or select), help text, validation status and etc will be generated. Field type will be automatically detected. field is field of django form.


Generate only specific form widget. This feature will be useful when you don't use django form.

${forms.text(name='title', label='Book Title', value='Pragmatic Thinking and Learning')}
${'country', label='Country', choices=country_choices, value='36')}
${'begin', label='Begin date')}