
Common utilities and dependencies for the modern Django project

pip install djx==0.0.1



Common utilities and dependencies for the modern Django project.


Helpers for parsing database connection strings into Django-compatible database configuration. Uses dj-database-url.


Parse the given database URL.


Helpers for pulling in environment variables.

get_string(key, default=None)

Return an environment variable as a string, defaulting to the given value if the environment variable is undefined.

get_boolean(key, default)

Return an environment variable as a boolean, defaulting to the given value if the environment variable is undefined.


Return an environment variable as an integer, defaulting to the given value if the environment variable is undefined.


Helpers for working with static files. Uses dj-static.


Wrap a WSGI application to support static file serving:

    from djx.static import Cling
    application = Cling(get_wsgi_application())


Helpers for dynamically loading urls.

load_urls(file, namespace=True)

Find submodules of the given file with valid url patterns and concatenate them into a list of patterns. Only submodules with a urls module that contains a urlpatterns symbol will be considered. If the urls module exists but cannot be imported, an exception is raised.

If namespace is set to True (the default), the urls will be exposed under the prefix of the submodule name. If namespace is set to a function, this function will be called with the submodule name, and the output will be used as the prefix. If namespace is set to a string, this string will be used as the prefix. If namespace is set to False, the urls will not be namespaced.

For example, if your project includes an "api" submodule with a file that defines url patterns for your API and a separate "admin" submodule with a file that defines url patterns for admins, you can automatically import these patterns with the following one-liner in the project file:

    from djx.urls import load_urls
    urlpatterns = load_urls(__file__)

Assuming admin/ includes the urls "users" and "groups" and api/ includes the urls "users" and "events", the above call would produce the following urlpatterns:


If you were to pass namespace=lambda x: '/foo/' + x, you would get the following patterns:


However, if you were to pass namespace='foo', you would get the following patterns:


Note that "/foo/users/" becomes ambiguous in this scenario; for this reason, passing in string or False values to namespace should be done with caution.


Returns the network host for a given URL.